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Lawy Lawson:Attorney

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Everything posted by Lawy Lawson:Attorney

  1. I wish someone would describe my band as being like moths. It's pretty awesome. I can see the NME interview now: "Yeah, we've been tourning th country playing a lot of shitty windows, We're planning in going into the studio in November to fly into lightbulbs, we've got some great fluttering patterns written..."
  2. I'm definitley not a mr. sausage hands, even though that does sound like some kind of disturbing Mr.Potato Head spin-off, so that's a relief. Practice, practice, practice then. My guitar neck isn't anything out of the ordinary (Dean ML-Select). Cheers!
  3. How's about some "Therapy?" That'd be awesome to the max!
  4. Pah! Pirates! Pirates are the slightly newer than monkeys, but older than ninjas comedy creature. Look at this graph! http://www.jamic-net.co.jp/diet/img/021215/graph.gif this graph clearly shows the "comedy currency" of pirates and pirate related phrases like "scurvy", "pegleg" and "jesus". The following graph shows how funny ninjas have become since the pirate's terminal decline late last year: http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Chebucto/Technical/Reports/graph-Nov15-noon.gif a report from a leading historian states: "pirate...not considered...popular" source: http://www.piratesinfo.com/history/history.php No, just as monkeys were once really fucking funny in the period, 1998-2000 and pirates were goddamn hillarious until last December, it has come to the attenion of many "laughosphers*" that ninjas look really funny in films like "American Ninja", have awesome websites like www.realultimatepower.net and were in"Shinobi" on the megadrive. My friends, isn't it time to let the dead horse/pirate lie. 1. Ninjas are also tougher than pirates. Are there any pirates in Japan? No, because ninjas probably killed them all. 2. These are all "facts" *may not be a "real" "word".
  5. Here's where the big boys get to laugh at me. Basically, I'm toying around now with some of the more intresting barre shapes. Movable Eadd9 and the like. Anyhow, I'm finding it REALLY tough to stretch my hand over five frets for chords like Fadd9 or Gbadd9 without doing it REAAAAAALY slowly or muting a note or two along the way. I only started practising this the other night, but christ I wanted to throw my guitar into the wall (and looking at the shape of it, it'd probably stick there like something out of a 70's Kung Fu movie). Is this just a "it'll come with time' thing, or should I grow extra bones or shout and kick my amp in defeat?
  6. Because some people believe the genres they're influenced by really meant something big once, not just musically, but personally and politically and they feel they've been reduced to sad lookng clowns in baggy shorts saying "whoaaah" a lot. Which is kinda true, but some people also need to let go and MAKE something that inspires those feelings in them.
  7. Ah, lets get stuck in! I hate Rage Against the Machine. They're the musical equivelant of fat kids from Bieldside who go to Uni and join the Socialist Society and post badly drawn, condenscending posters about George Bush being Ronald McDonald or some such shite in phone boxes and sneer at people for wearing Lynx or something. I think they're talented, but listening to that humourless twat Zack De La Rocha lisp his way through a Micheal Moore book fucks me off. I don't like the whole funk thing much either. In their case, it sounds horrible although I do apprecaite their technical skill. Sometimes, I feel like voting Conservative because I know it'll piss off RATM fans. Yes, they annoy me THAT much.* I really fucking hate Tool. Sticking a 3 minute sample of a clown crying or the German national anthem played backwards is not arty. Well, maybe it is, but only to people who think Donnie Darko is the best film ever. I hate Led Zepplin, Nirvana, Black Sabbath and all the other fucking musical sacred cows that get rammed down my throat, and have been rammed down our collective conciousnesses' throat until it gagged and puked up shite like The Vines . If I were allowed to discover these bands on my own, I probaly would have liked them, but no, I'm supposed to worship at the shrine of Kurt Cobain or Jimmy Page or some shite? Fuck OFF! (I understand that this isn't the band's fault, but the medias, which is a little sad). RAR! LAWY LAWSON SMASH!! * I should probaly add, that I definitley do not vote Tory and I thought Donnie Darko was actully pretty good, in case anyone left their humour detectors or ability to read tone at home today.
  8. Yeah, it really doesn't look "finished" like another poster said.
  9. First thing that popped into my head was: "Better save this to my harddrive so I can go to jail and get slashed by men with razors!"
  10. I realised I forgot to add how much I enjoy seeing karloff since I caught them a few years ago. Nice people, awesome band.
  11. 120 Minutes on MTV2 is REAAAAAAAAAAAALY cool, but not really rock/punk based if thats your thing. P-Rock used to vary between being awesome and pure wank for that kind of thing. Kerrang isn't even worth checking anymore (seems to be that goddamn Audioslave song EVERY time I put it on).
  12. "Jump" is scientificly the best song ever. Even God says so.
  13. I think it's actually owned by Sky (or BskyB, I should say), who also own the Amp and one of the other "dial-a-video" channels (Flaunt, I discovered using my 1337 pRIVATE eYE SKILLZ). If I remember correctly, MTV is owned by Viacom who also own Blockbuster. Eugh...The Uni's keyboards are fithy. I really have no opinion on this "love to hate thing", except it's targets are a bit obvious. I could pretty much guess the outcome before it even started. Not that I particullary like any of the bands on the list, just I keep out of their way and they keep outta mine. http://www.hoovers.com/viacom/--ID__12435--/free-co-factsheet.xhtml (Viacom Info) And a directory os Sky Channel sites: http://www.sky.com/skycom/article/0,,90000-1079033,00.html
  14. I'm by no means a good guitarist, I get by...I think. But I definitley want to learn so I can apply diffrent sounds and textures to what I do. To get back on topic, If I had the time and money for lessons, I'd like to smooth out some of my technique a little and learn without the temptation to just mess around, as self teaching can become. I totally agree that you can go TOO far though. When I attempt to write, I want to write something I could hum or I'd that'd hook me easily. I think that's more important than being able to shred lightning fast or whatever, although I'd like to be able to do that myself and try and implement it in stuff I do, just so that option is open to me and so I could use it if necessary.
  15. That sounds better than being a ninja with levitation powers. SERIOUSLY!
  16. Yeah. I had a great time seeing the Seeds at Drummonds, but for cheaper gigs, it's like not everyone's chuffed theres a band on or something.
  17. Really? It's one of the first things I learned, but I'm backwards sometimes. I agree with you. Really flashy-flashy stuff only seems to impress other musicians, but it's like vocaublary, the more you know, the more eloquently you can express yourself.
  18. Intresting (not your love life, although I'm sure that's perfectly fascinating), but what effects do you put it through? I've tried putting it through my distortion pedal at home hoping for some cheapo Aphex Twin style stuff, but to no avail, or to a bastard load of feedback. Any hints or tips?
  19. Rolf Harris created pocket keyboard played with a stylus. I'd like to use one in my band too, but playing hardcore....not sure how that could happen?
  20. I think you have to be British to get a Knighthood, and isn't he american? I may be very wrong on bouth countsm however.
  21. round the shopping arcade, sipping cider. Great Thread and a dream project of mine too, ny the way. Might have to jot down a lot of the advice and info here.
  22. The Faint - 80's influenced synthdriven posthardcore dance pop Ladytron- 80's influenced Ice cold dancepop Desparecidos weezer meets atdi meets pulp crazy ass ninja political rock
  23. Good for them, they worked very hard to get there and they deserve it.
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