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Lawy Lawson:Attorney

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Everything posted by Lawy Lawson:Attorney

  1. You knock Orgy and I'll knock you, sunshine! No really though. Atari Teenage Riot with live drums? Horses for courses, innit?
  2. What worries me is the plural use of the noun "hardon". I mean, how many dicks can one guy have? I've been hearing promising things about aka the Fox. Good name for a band too.
  3. I don't really see her appeal, but she could still GET IN MY VAN!
  4. I WANT to go, but being EMPLOYED licks balls. No really, I'm a male prostitute.
  5. It's a very strong scene with a lot of people who are clearly very passionate about it, however... However... Some People are a little precious about it, maybe.
  6. That's fairly hard, bu try saying "She sells sea shells on the seashore" 3 times fast. THATS hard.
  7. Cool, so their name *is* a return of the living dead reference. Awesome.
  8. I'm them too. They're actully pretty good, but I haven't heard their new album yet.
  9. Until we get a "proper' name, and by proper name I do not mean a noun deserving capitalisation of the first letter, like "Paris" or "Billy", we're named after Zak Morris' band in Saved by the Bell.
  10. Um, what? So you really have never met someone who won't go to the cinema because they can't smoke there, because I have friends like that.
  11. Neat, the first band I truly loved. I dunno, he seems to like to release fairly hard stuff occasionally. I don't see any contradiction, he just seems to be saying the new songs will be more instant, or something. Neat.
  12. Yeah. I've met some people who go goddamn crazy if they can't smoke somewhere, so it could effect crowd numbers.
  13. What makes you wanna go to a show and see bands give it shit on stage? Because I either like the band, or I hope to be plesantly suprised. Is it because you genuinely enjoy going to see live music? Most of the time, yeah. Do you only go if it's a band you are a fan of that is playing? I prefer it if that's the case, but I think gigs are a good way to discover new stuff. Do you go only when it's your mates band playing and you feel obliged to go? I have done, but I often pay attention to the support acts and more often than not have enjoyed what my friends have done/ are doing. Do you fancy the singer in a band and wanna score with him/her? Yeah, but he said he likes them butcher than me on average. Do you go to gain credibility? No, and if anyone does, I heard it's considered cool to drive off Aberdeen Harbour these days. Do you go because there's nothing else to do and you go to clubs and the band's just there? I have done, but have been pleasantly suprised or what? What makes YOU wanna get up off your butt and go to a show? Pussy
  14. It'd be a pity if anyone confused them with the awesome King Liar and the Brutes, with their names being so similar an' all. I personally tend to forget the names of the bands I don't like, sorry!
  15. Thats at the same gig I decided they were awesome 'cos they sang about Tetris.
  16. I'm kinda biased, and Sam worries me a little but King Liar and the Brutes are always fun. Are WBL still active? They're good to rock out too. I dunno how local "local" is, but Motormark are far too awesome.
  17. Re: Re: So who in Aberdeen isn't doing Rock Music I hate you because you're right, but then I look into your eyes and love you for making ME right, and a little embarrased. Thanks for the info folks. Tryptich is looking VERY intresting, indeed. Have to see what cash-flow is like at the time.
  18. Christian Olde Wolbers, I think Hmm, I liked FF for the same reasons M.A.R.T. seems too, but I'll still check out the new stuff.
  19. He's like a drumming 17th century caviler with those curly locks. I love him all the way to the bank. So, what's the current FF line up?
  20. I'm eager to hear this. They write some damn catchy songs for fat guys in shorts.
  21. Y'know, I Like rock music. The instrument I attempt to play, many of my friends, my political allignment... I owe my discovery of these things to my discovery of (probably fairly bad) rock music in my 'teens. BUT! I'd really like to see some non-rock bands in Aberdeen. Is anyone doing Ladytron type electropop? Is anybody rapping? Does Aberdeen have a jazz scene. I mean this to no slight to many of pretty awesome local rock bands I've seen, but I'd like a diffrent live experience. Anyone care to inject me with anti-ignorance medicine. If you're really nice, I may even let you give me it as a depository.
  22. Certainly, good call. Prince hit his peak around the mid 80's and I've recently come to realise he OWNZ_YUO. Hmm, this is tough. If I was a better musician myself, it might be easier...
  23. I'm a relative novice but when I learn something new, I try and find a method of using that sounds good so I understand what I'm learning actully DOES. I don't bother with other peoples songs much, except they too can me smoothen my playing speed, etc. I understand a little notation, but I can by no means read music, but I do like trying more complex rhythms than I'd set for myself occasionally.
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