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Everything posted by incredibledisc

  1. Please Kill Me: The Unscensored Oral History of Punk by Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain
  2. The Stooges - 1969 5,4,3,2,1 - Manfred Mann Twenty Flight Rock - Eddie Cochran Death Valley 69 - Sonic Youth 25 minutes to go - Johnny Cash Rainy Day Women #12 & 35
  3. Trivia point - the guy who gets killed in both scenes is the same. Pat Roach aka "Bomber" from Auf Wiedersehen Pet. As I remember he is also a Thuggee guard who Indy feeds into a rock crusher in Temple of Doom...
  4. Well, I don't know. "Revolution in the head" is hardly a narrative (although it does treat the Beatles' recordings chronologically) but it still makes for a very satisfying read. I don't know how many times I must've read it since picking it up to read on the bus home from Uni a good 10 years ago.
  5. Ben Stiller vs. the dog in There's Something About Mary - just for the part where he goes to jab the dog in the eye and the dog blocks it - hysterical. Indiana jones vs Big Sword Bloke in Raiders of the Lost Ark - Bang! you're dead fucker Deryk Zoolander vs Hansel from Zoolander - "They're breakdance fighting!"
  6. What's everyone's favourite books about music/musicians? A few of mine would be: Last Train To Memphis/Careless Love - by Peter Guaralnick. 2 Volume book on Elvis Shout - by Philip Norman and Revolution in the Head by Ian McDonald. Both about the Fab Four The True Adventures of the Rolling Stones - by Stanley Booth. In which Mr Booth hangs around with the Stones circa Exile on Main Street, gets fucked up with Keith Richards and Gram Parsons and cops a skag habit for his trouble! England's Dreaming - by John Savage. Probably the most comprehensive look at the original punk movement. I don't buy into all of his Situationist theories but its a cracking read all the same. Riders on the Storm - John Densmore. Excellent personal account of life with The Doors. Shakey - Jimmy McDonough. Neil Young biography. Starts off with complete cooperation from Young but then he gets increasingly cantankerous as the book progresses and tries to stop it being published. Behind The Shades (Take 2) by Clinton Heylin. Good study of Bob Dylan. Not loved by all his fans.
  7. What a fantastic post! Soup Du Jour! I take my hat off to you sir!
  8. Eh, WTF? He's clearly off his tits! Is this some kind of post-modern joke he's playing on us all by actually having this message on his website or does the record company really think its funny that one of their artists has serious "issues". Unlike that c***t Doherty, Adams is actually worth saving
  9. Its cheeky, its irreverant, it is the antithesis of the Anti-Ned Thread. Have a scene point!
  10. Heh, my age is no secret - my birthday is in my profile for all to see. I am not ashamed of it :-) Hell boy, I was doing this shit when you were just an itch in yor daddy's pants/twinkle in the milkman's eye (delete as appropriate)
  11. Yaay - in fact all DKs stuff kicks serious arse. It was either this or "kill The Poor" from Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegatables.
  12. D'oh! My bad - been a while since it graced the cd player
  13. Jeez - how could I forget that one?! Angel of Death rocks - despite the dodgy subject matter
  14. Just reminded me of this line from them that cropped up in the "worst lyrics thread" - "It's not confidential, I've got potential....."
  15. Can Mr Tim's sideline as an agony aunt sustain him if he's flunked all of his prelims?
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