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Everything posted by incredibledisc

  1. Batman Forever - I knew I'd heard it but I couldn't place it until you posted that Some more... "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K" "You win five million dollars from the Publisher's sweepstakes and the same day as that big Ed guy gives you the check, aliens land on the Earth and say they're going to blow up the world in two days. What do you do?" "Man, are you an idiot. You made the classic movie mistake: don't explain so much!" "I'll be takin' these Huggies, and, uh, whatever cash you got" "Sex and death. Two things that come once in my lifetime. But, at least after death you're not nauseous." "I don't even own a gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do with a gun rack?"
  2. Batman Forever - I knew I'd heard it but I couldn't place it until you posted that
  3. CLERKS? It's definitely a Kevin Smith line.
  4. I would have to agree. I hate to sound like one of those annoying old people who go on an on about how "it were much better in the good old days." On the contrary I believe that there is a lot of exciting new music out there - some of it even graces the pages of the NME. No, while I don't take issue with the bands covered in its pages every week the actual standard of journalism on diplay is rancid. The NME has been in a slow decline since the mid 90s and probably isn't helped by the fact that it has the indie ghetto all to itself now and doesn't have to compete with the late lamented Sounds and Record Mirror. Whereas it used to have lucid and erudite articles with real depth and passion for the music on display it now reads like one of those advertsing supplements you get for HMV or whatever where record company PR men froth about this week's hot new acts. The rest is adverts along with a paltry couple of pages of blipvert reviews by the gaggle of meedja studies grads that compile it every week. Even the letters page has ceased to be enteraining any more.
  5. Yep, they're pretty dumb alright ...and laughing their stupid asses all the way to the bank. Wish I was that stupid.
  6. If you have anti-ned or anti weedgie prejudices then this might appeal to your sense of humour. http://www.glasgowsurvival.co.uk/toys/glaWhatever.html
  7. Yes! I thought it was just me! The mobile phone is the curse of modern gigs. I pay my money to watch a band live in the flesh. If I wanted pictures I could buy a book or a magazine, if I want a live video there will invariably be one out there somewhere with decent picture quality and 5.1 surround. If I had my way I would invent a machine that rendered the things inoperable within a certain radius. That would show 'em!
  8. Not all young whippersnappers here - I'm (gasp!) 31. While most people here go to school, I actually work in one.
  9. Dunno about anyone else here but I go to the pub for specifically for a drink . I've been off the fags for nearly three years now and when I did smoke I never once recall going to the pub specifically for a smoke. Despite the scaremongering of the alcohol barons people will still go to pubs if smoking is banned. These are the same people recently exposed in the Observer a couple of weeks ago for encouraging their staff to exploit the new drinking laws down south to the full extent to keep those profits rolling in. They don't care about the carnage they create in the process. People will learn to live without fags or adapt. I've been to the Republic of Ireland since their ban came into effect and it doesn't seem to have made much difference to the craic there.
  10. Oh stop it. You're not really that dense are you? I said that I have my own taste. It's not for me to dictate to anyone (and that would include you and all those Westlife fans) what to like. By the same token I am allowed to dislike anything. My point was that it was nice to think that there were people out there who had a similar taste to my own for once as most chart music doesn't reflect my own taste or probably the tastes of most people on this website.
  11. Which makes you sound like the theme tune to 80s kids show "Why don't you?" Without trying to be pedantic - right now I'm not watching television. I'm writing this. However, if you are trying to make the point that most tv is shite I would agree with you. That's why i don't watch too much of it as I know it rots your brain. However, before you ride off into the sunset on your "ain't I a culture vulture" high horse you should perhaps take note of the fact that you contribute to a website that has many threads devoted to the trivial and the mundane. Seeing as you also adore IKEA (Satan's own furnture store owned by dubious Nazi supporting Scandanavians) and like playing video games I would seriously think twice before lecturing someone on how best to spend their spare time.
  12. No, surely you're thinking about the Blow Monkeys - an entirely different band It doesn't really matter if you like them or not - I was only expressing my own opinion - to wit that I was a little disappointed that a record I liked, one that had caught my attention because it stood out from all the other stuff on the radio/tv I hear daily, had been somewhat predictably toppled from grace by the audio syrup concocted by Westlife. As I pointed out in my original post, I'm past the stage where I care what is "cool" to like. I just like what I like. Everyone else is entitled to their own opinions. (record! phew! showing my age)
  13. My bad again, thank you for correcting my oversight.
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