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Everything posted by psydoll

  1. Starfall are on one of those 'indefinite hiatus' malarkeys as far as I'm aware so no action from them at the minute. Last time I saw Dave he had the flu or was shouting about Fleetwood Mac as I recall but he's presumably better now and kicking around somewhere.
  2. You've been on a bit of an excellent poster run lately my freen ^_^
  3. That 10 minute films thing is free entry in the wee cafe bar as well so I hear so you could go to both and dot between rooms. Super.
  4. I enjoyed that. Definitely my favourite of the ones I've got from your Myspace.
  5. That sounds quite fun but I'll be in Glasgow. There shall be another time no doubt!
  6. It's quite good isn't it? I was pleasantly surprised to discover how it sounded. Just don't mention Counting Crows
  7. Again sadly not but I got tickets to see her in Northumbria University on her birthday no less. Apparently. Cracking
  8. I got my tickets the other day. Huzzah!
  9. Ach write them the right way round ye jobby Fatboy Slim - North West Three
  10. If anyone needs me I'll be in the Angry Dome
  11. You might be stoopid enough to click the same song by mistake though. Never underestimate the power of a complete neep...
  12. Reminds me of Max 'n' Paddy but only slightly. "You've got him rattled I'll tell you that."
  13. Seafood - People Are Underestimated
  14. I'd forgotten about Regina Spektor as well slightly but that'll be fun. I hear good things about the venue
  15. Does this battery life beef that people have with Apple apply to all of their products? iPod Shuffle for example?
  16. psydoll


    I only bought the 'Cube version recently and have been highly amused with the gameplay, seems perfect for a gaming party. Drunkeness affecting reaction rates ahoy!
  17. I saw him in a restaurant the other day accompanied by a man with blue eyes and blonde hair moving salt and pepper shakers around on a red & white chequered tablecloth while speaking in a language that seemed to be called " Bynoon Lunchin' ". I can only assume that the salt represented the amount of songs played and the pepper the battery remaining for call time. It was all very confusing.
  18. Doesn't this rule apply to all singles rather than just new release singles which means that the likes of 'Crazy' by Gnarls Barkley or 'Maneater' by Nelly Furtado would still sell more 'copies' worldwide than say Eddison's latest single release meaning not that much change in terms of band names in the chart? I keep seeing it reported as more of a chance for unsigned/unheard of bands when it seems like it'll just be kinda the same names chartwise but more dough for the successful?
  19. DJ Shadow - You Can't Go Home Again
  20. I got an e-mail saying my tickets had been posted out yesterday *fingers crossed*
  21. It was the all new make-up game and was most spectacular indeed! They had no mirrors to do their faces with remember hence 'Man In The Mirror' by Michael Jackson. Those Fudgey bastards don't give me much warning you know...
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