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Everything posted by MattJimF

  1. But Hampden isn't linked with Ireland.
  2. I'm a bit disappointed that I won't be able to as easily watch the GNR at the road side now that I've moved, although I guess my wife will probably be running it again next year. Looking forward to the next big athletics meet in Gateshead, missed the last two due to being away. It always seems to be the cross country or triathlon I catch on tv, although the wife doesn't like watching sports, so it's few and far between that I get to watch it.
  3. This is three people that have done it on my newsfeed: none of them had a link to a cancer charity.
  4. See, I just figured one of these vapid bints took a selfie then realised she didn't have make-up on, and decided that as it was such a good selfie, she would say she did it for Breast Cancer Awareness.
  5. I was just about to post this. Why are people trying to raise awareness of something that most people are very much aware of, and if they aren't they are probably part of the world's population that don't have access to technology never mind Facebook. I had a moan about the whole bra colour and the various other shite that they have used, although at least they are telling you what it's for as opposed to the cryptic and stupid bra colour one.
  6. He'll only be a year old, but I'm so taking my kid to see that (I need justification for the wife to see it in the cinema).
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-26601873
  8. Liverpool and Arsenal won. At least that's all ITV news reported.
  9. http://m.tickld.com/x/this-is-why-you-should-never-trust-people
  10. My general experience of registering with a new doctor is you have to wait 24 hours after registering and you have to see a nurse for a check up, but that's been in England.
  11. The only one I can think of is Man U vs Liverpool
  12. I think the second part is supposed to be father rather than dad.
  13. I've added you and Chris. I did a similar one last year, and it saves badgering lucky to update a spreadsheet.
  14. There's also this on the BBC website - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-26382526 the program was on last night, and should be on iplayer for the next 30 days
  15. http://www.torontosun.com/2012/08/28/missing-woman-unwittingly-joins-search-party-for-herself
  16. Did anyone have Starship Titanic? I bought it and remember being impressed with it. May have to find it again and see how it holds up.
  17. One of the kids in my street had that, sounded great, was shit in reality.
  18. You should head to the jail, which was used for the jail scenes in The Italian Job. Oh the Jamieson(sp) museum and James Joyce house are worth a look as well.
  19. When I googled him I got this post: http://www.aberdeen-music.com/topic/7491-imagine/?p=9772
  20. May need to get a new console or find out the specs for the PC - http://www.ign.com/videos/2014/03/04/batman-arkham-knight-father-to-son-announcement-trailer
  21. Sorry, missed this post. Can I waste your day tomorrow instead?
  22. I created an Aberdeen-music F1 league here http://fantasygp.games-redspottedhanky.com/league.aspx?page=league&id=10025 Password poland
  23. I think Red Bull are suffering from the way they interact with Renault. Most works teams now work with the engine department to design the engine to fit the car. Red Bull design the car to fit the engine, despite being the Renault works team, which worked up to now, but with the massive changes in regulations it's been shown up as a weakness. The Mercedes engined teams will be the ones to beat, but I don't think Mercedes themselves will dominate the races. Magnussen has been showing he can play with the big boys and Jenson's driving style will help with the fuel limit. Ferrari have the pedigree with Alonso and Raikkonen and a good car. Force India have been showing good running in the tests as have most of the mid teams. I think Caterham could be in trouble due to the Renault engine and switching to the pull-rod front wing that caused so much trouble for Ferrari and McLaren when they first switched.
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