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Everything posted by MattJimF

  1. A thing about the new World Cup Ball. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-27375349
  2. Bad news for Agnts of SHIELD fans ABC are doing split seasons so during Jan/Feb they will be showing Agent Carter and we'll have to wait ages for the remainder. http://tvline.com/2014/05/13/fall-tv-2014-preview-abc-agents-of-shield-split-season/
  3. Do you have a lottery numbers for tomorrow http://www.game.co.uk/en/m/xbox-one-console-297030?pageSize=20&errorViewName=mProductDisplayErrorView&categoryIdentifier=607601&top_category=
  4. Managed to find this page on the RGU website which may be a bit of help - https://www.rgu.ac.uk/future-students/finance-and-scholarships/financial-support/uk-students/postgraduate-students/postgraduate-students
  5. Well Sunday nights one was Laws of God and Men
  6. Possibly not - http://tvline.com/2014/05/12/community-season-6-renewal-new-network-dan-harmon/
  7. I was just talking about it with my boss, i'll be getting it, just not sure i'll have much time to be allowed to play it.
  8. I don't really understand the point of exams at all. The whole thing about education is to shape you for working life. Unless you are doing training, the chances of your boss sitting you down each year and saying "Unless you pass this exam, you're not going to get your pay rise." Most places work on the continual improvement method, not how much knowledge you can recall in a hour and a half.
  9. Not so ace-ic for the workers, but if anyone is needing any computing books, have a look here - http://www.computermanuals.co.uk/
  10. That's just what I posted, and Karma added. Do you honestly not fucking read anything?
  11. The whole HYDRA reveal is a massive Winter Soldier spoiler, although the next episode has a pretty big spoiler as well.
  12. but i thought in captain america hydra had only a war with the US army which captain america was part of. it then did show at the end captain america waking up in a SHIELD facility where none of it was infiltrated in anyway. its hard to decide what ward is going to do, when he did what he did to fitz and simmons i really thought he wouldnt do it but then he did, also after seeing the end of the last episode with garret taking the new version of gh325 and plus being the first deathlok model will it be that easy for him to take out? now remember May, Coulson and Sky got trapped under the barber shop by 3 men with the 3 swords that bring out anger and that, whats our expectations on that situation? I think your getting confused between Captain America and Captain America: The Winter Soldier which was just released, and follows into Agents of SHIELD where Chris is and the new Avengers film this summer. Remember May is a bad ass assassin herself, so they just need to hold them off long enough for Skye to get the USB Drive into the computer and get out, plus I can't remember if Tripp was with them, but he's there as well. Garrett is version 1 of Deathlok, and they have the "large data transfer" of the Deathlok program, and as with all software, version 1 is always the one with the most bugs in it.
  13. So you know part of the big twist in Winter Soldier then.
  14. Was the last episode the one where they find the clairvoyant? If so, I would watch Winter Soldier, if your past that one, I wouldn't worry, as each spoilers the other.
  15. Exactly, they couldn't have SHIELD breaking up in Cap America, then pretend nothing happened in Agents of, seeing as they had Lady Sif show up, and they were cleaning up in London after what happened in Thor 2. I think Ward will die redeeming himself by taking out Garrett. If Skye wanted to kill Ward she would have let Deathlok kill him on the plane.
  16. As I said, come up with ideas for various different activities that various walks of life can take part in. If they have a grant, ask about it, if they want to know why, say it will help you plan out what they can get and do with the room. Have a look at some of the classes and family/community stuff that are on offer here - http://www.sagegateshead.com/ also look at other places, maybe ping Dave Officer a pm on here and ask for advice about what they are doing at Woodend Barn with regards to music (I'm guessing he's still out there). While a practice space is obvious to you, it may not be what they are looking for with the space, for instance, my wife went to a class when she was pregnant at the Sage where they did nursery rhymes and children's songs with yoga, if you can do that, get it established, you can produce a CD of the songs that they can sell to help fund the class (she had to pay for the course over 6 weeks). Don't just stick to what you think they should be doing, which is why I said asking questions is important, the more you know about their ideas, the better it will be for everyone.
  17. Teaser trailer up now http://uk.ign.com/videos/2014/05/09/the-inbetweeners-2-teaser
  18. See my post a bit further up for renewal info. They haven't really though, only the last four episodes. Thinking about it, it seems the perfect way to get rid of a character that isn't working, and introducing a new character to the team. They obviously introduced Tripp to the show as Garrett's protege, but when he had better interaction with the rest of the team then Ward, they switched things round and made Ward the traitor and will have Tripp as part of the team going forward.
  19. Best thing to do would be work on a couple of plans, set out what you can bring to them. Ideas of what they can do with the space, equipment they can get. If you know already what they have, use that as a start, plan out sessions for the room, say morning and afternoon (evening if possible), that can be cut down if need be so that they can have a few sessions for each part of the day. Look at other places, if possible, to see how they are doing things Suggest ways to get people to come in for lessons/advice/demonstrations. Have ideas for the room for different levels of people, parents and children, children, teenagers, young adults, adults and oldies, so when you get there you can ask them how they envisage the room being used, what the target audience will be, and you will have a few ideas to throw at them straight away. Take a notepad with your ideas on, and so you can write notes up about what they are looking for. Make sure you emphasize that it's just a start plan, maybe have some ideas to how they can take the room forward with some investment. Most importantly ask questions, lots of them, even if it may seem obvious, as usually the obvious questions have the least obvious answers, and what you think they would respond with may not be what they are looking for, plus it allows you to read them and find out how set they are by their body language.
  20. On board lap of the Circuit De Catalunya from Vettel's car
  21. To be honest I'd have been surprised if ABC didn't pick it up, being owned by Disney and all.
  22. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-27337347
  23. But yes, it's gone from being something I might watch to something I actively look forward to watching on Wednesdays now. Shame next week is the season finale! Hopefully it gets renewed, and all the signs are pointing towards that. ABC has renewed Agents of SHIELD - http://tvline.com/2014/05/08/abc-renewals-2014-once-upon-a-time-resurrection/
  24. http://spfl.co.uk/play-offs/ if you can make any sense of it, but all ties are over two legs.
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