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Everything posted by MattJimF

  1. http://www.instructables.com/id/NES-in-a-Cartridge/
  2. http://news.stv.tv/east-central/284614-woman-demanded-parachute-before-attacking-cabin-crew-with-false-leg/
  3. Dunno about that, it was just a standard reception afterwards.
  4. Indian weddings are a lot more boring than they sound.
  5. Why did you not just walk the 5 minutes to Somerfield/Morrisons next to the Music Hall?
  6. It's really not that great.
  7. Congrats, it's the start of a long and exciting road.
  8. It's a good thing this isn't a horror film, or is it!?!
  9. If you read the article you would find it was cancer not a curse.
  10. On a similar theme http://mobile.f1today.nl/en/news/german-grand-prix-ticket-discount-offer-backfires/
  11. http://m.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/28184702?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
  12. Just announced Cavendish out of the tour after crash yesterday
  13. If your going the caramel wafer route you'll also need tea-cakes and snowballs (you can also go for the non-chocolate snowballs).
  14. That's basically what the magic eye is, although it also sends the remote signal. Having looked at the argos link the connectors are included with it, so it would just be coaxial cable needed.
  15. Probably, never done it myself tbf.
  16. It is co-ax cable just terminated differently. You can get the connector at Maplin or possibly PC World. If you really wanted to and had a spare box, you could run another cable from your dish and just swap the card over, you would need two cables for HD.
  17. That's only good if you dont want to watch something else in the other room.
  18. Did you actually read his original post?
  19. It's to do with markers. When you have broadband the company puts a marker on the line to say "this is ours". For some unknown reason it takes fucking ages for this marker to be removed by one company and replaced by another. BT are fucking shit for changing details, TalkTalk are probably just as bad, the other main issue is having to have a phone line for broadband. The daft thing is parts of Aberdeen have the infrastructure for cable from the old Aberdeen/Atlantic cable, but they missed being bought out by NTL/Telewest and ended up going bust.
  20. Most Internet over in the US of Poland is cable. Virginia is the same here instant connection.
  21. Community getting a sixth season on Yahoo! - http://tvline.com/2014/06/30/community-season-6-renewed-yahoo-screen/
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