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Everything posted by bryn

  1. 'Aberdeen Pawnbrokers' on George Street
  2. I'm sure my brother bought about 3000 samples on ebay for about 2.50
  3. From what I can make out, you could quite easily sell one of these for 5 or 6 hundred dollars in the states. Kramers are also, supposedly, quite rare in Europe (not to mention collectible). I can make a note, on the 22nd fret, ring for about 4 hours!
  4. My beginners guide to music theory: Write out a melody then try and harmonise it (put chords to it). I'm guessing you will discover you can't do it, then you need to look up basic harmony writing. You will learn about cadences and modulation and all the rules regarding basic harmony writing!!! p.s It will a long laborious process which will consistently confuse and overwhelm you
  5. ooooh, found a great forum full of Kramer geeks to help me! Kramer took the sustainer out in late '89 and the company went down in 1990. I wonder if this is a rarity...collectible maybe?? i wish It pisses over my Ibanez RGsomething-or-other that RnB ripped me off on. Its been a good week!
  6. What a bargain! (i think...) Bought a used Kramer yesterday from a pawnshop for 150. So far it feels great, has an authentic floyd rose, and, so I discovered, an active pickup (endless sustain!) Does anyone have any deep pools of knowledge regarding this company? Any thoughts on how much an 'American Sustainer' would be worth?? I would post pics but my computer sucks ta-ta
  7. To begin with, look for something on basic harmony writing
  8. People said the Dodo was a waste of time....
  9. Don't the proclaimers tune lower?
  10. Being drunk is bad: knocked over amp at drakes, slipped on wahwah at kef. Stoned is different. It's much less debilitating (word?) than most people think.
  11. Stoned jams! Not only do you feel the music more as a 3D experience, after a good spliff there are definately vibes running between you and the people you are playing with. A bond if you like, an uncaring, dreamlike haze that you are all, as a team (!!!), plunged into. Always wanted to jam on mushrooms.
  12. Korvainia hes so ga-eee-ayy!
  13. I was gona say 'Mia Hi' by 'Ozone,' but then I remembered its actually the best song in the world
  14. Why emphasis on just the jews? nearly everyone in the country / world was affected by the nazis. If thats the case, I should be offended. Am i fuck. He's a young guy having fun. Fair enough he should'nt have worn a swastika on the basis he is the prince and should have interpreted the outcome, but he obviously isn't all too bright, judging by his exam results. That, or the many bodyguards etc around him should have seen it coming. It seems like tabloid hype, in fact, the whole 'party animal' image he has gained is all media bullshit for old women and stupid people to read and believe.
  15. Ah who cares, who hasn't dressed up as a 3rd reich field marschall for fancy dress before?
  16. Average White Band were below dogs-die-in-hot-cars
  17. That list is so shit. Snow patrol! fucking snow patrol?!!?!??! on the strength of what - one song, two chords!
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