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2 minutes of hate

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Everything posted by 2 minutes of hate

  1. why does postman pat drive a red van? because he's a cunt
  2. Oh the fun of misinformation http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Scotland http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Aberdeen
  3. excellent - asda the great bringer of education I'v always wondered about that little sandwedge section in Asda, usually there is a sign that says "homemade". What constitutes homemade food? Is there a little old lady making all the sandwedges for asda nationwide?
  4. Doesnt sushi actually mean rice?
  5. I think they played in Aviemore a few months ago but it was about 15 for a ticket.
  6. What about if you licked someone elses elbow, does that count?
  7. I had a ticket but i didn't get the hole stamped so i can go and get a refund on it. cha ching
  8. Thanks for the help peoples. I had a good time on the train, i got a beer out as soon as i got on the train and the ticket man walked right past me thinking i'd been on for ages. Free train ride to Glasgow with beer.
  9. Live then die I'm quite happy to let trends come and go around me.
  10. Iv just done a poster for a local gig with a naked soul sister on it, i dont think its that offensive really. Considering the event is called love explosion. http://i1.tinypic.com/mv2mmg.jpg
  11. Im getting a train tomorrow and i was wondering if your still allowed to drink on trains? Someone told me earlier that its been banned. Is this right or not? Cheers
  12. Ok i have some A-team questions 1. If Mr T was scared of flying how did he A. get to vietnam and B. fight in a war that mainly relied on "hueys" to drop troops. Unless he was in a boat squad which i doubt seeing as he was part of a crack squad. 2. What did Mr T do in between getting booted out the army and becoming a bad ass mercinary to afford all that bling?
  13. Be a Tramp thats full time and you get to work in the city centre
  14. I bought a copy on ebay and the quality is pretty good, even though its recorded straight from E4. Its a just a shame they never released the series officially. I was reading somewhere that channel 4 said they wouldn't air another series however they are going to release a film in conjunction with someother people, which just has to be amazing (on a budget of 10). Lucien Sanchez over and out
  15. I think she looks like a man whore. Always with the fuck me boots.
  16. I hate walking down the street not knowing what im suppose to be doing and being too stubborn to just stop and have a think. I hate it when people are smarter than me and remind me of it on the sly. I hate crowded places I hate people that repeat the same fact to you every fucking day of the week. I hate when i lose to a "from downtown" shot in the last second of NBA jam:swearing: I hate Puff Daddy I hate London I hate it when i cut my nails and cut my finger I hate mobile phones
  17. I like his poems, i get my drunk uncles in my ear with them whenever im down in edinburgh. I think he is still totally relevant and totally deserves a day of drinking named for him. "Life's cares they are comforts"-a maxim laid down By the Bard, what d'ye call him, that wore the black gown; And faith I agree with th' old prig to a hair, For a big-belly'd bottle's a heav'n of a care."
  18. Thats mad i was out all day in Elgin on saturday too. I would of loved to have seen a chav war. Especially with petrol bombs, those tracksuits would go up like a flares. I was talking to a guy this morning and he said someone was carrying a petrol bomb but constructed with a plastic irn bru bottle. bloddy morons.
  19. Hmmm i thought it would be bigger than that, get back to me when its the size of the moon.
  20. Apparantly i look like John Lennon Billy Bob Thornton Benicio Del Toro Brad Pit Bill Murray
  21. Anyone heard any of the new solo material from Frank Turner (formerly of million dead)? It's quite good, quite a departure from million dead but it has a really laid back feel to it. http://www.myspace.com/frankturner
  22. Ok the USA has a population of about 300 million, the rest of the world is about 6 billion. I reckon we can fucking take em
  23. I don't think its going to matter if you blend into the scenery when a pipe bomb goes off next to you. Also i think the chances of a unit being ambushed by fanatics with ice picks is pretty low. But still it looks cooler than khaki
  24. I don't think it matters that much if she is a total spoilt whore she is still at least a little bit sexy. would you rather do; A. Paris Hilton or B. Paris Travel Inn I rest my case just shout "bangerang!!!" and get stuck in there
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