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Everything posted by The_Tank

  1. yeah Well i really enjoyed the gig, thought weeping jesus was fucking amazing for first gig, really really enjoyed them, Filth pack was the band of the night, althought I didn't spend too long athe front of the stage. Also to neilunderscorecooper all those pictures are fucking cool.
  2. OK I've only heard one Some Girls album don't know if there is anymore but the song only last like less the a minute and it just all sounds so shit.
  3. As I lay dying where fucking amazing, was a shame they only gotr a 30 minute set and 1/3 of the garge filled but fucking played there hearts out. Throwdown were so much heavier than they are on C.D. The pit was crazy almost the whole floor was hardcore dancing, and even getting hit in the back off the head and kicked in the teeth it was amazing. Lamb of God was my fav of the night. They are so much better live then on c.d, and Randy from Lamb of God came out in a kilt and he was a true scotsman. Pit was crazy every fuckier was massive but great fun.
  4. Also the drummer might come on stage with just socks, mabye have to be an over 18's night.
  5. Only heard a couple of tunes but what Ive heard it pretty ace, not my usual thing.
  6. The best thing about this tread is that jester1470 has had the most to say about MMW, but this person hasn't seen them play live or hear any of there stuff. Also he write alot of stuff most bullshit, which i ended up skipping in the end.
  7. Yeah just heard the new Lamb of God album, and its fucking amazing, the drummer fuck ace, i just can't understand why people wouldn't like them, there just an amazing metal band.
  8. Yeah The best band of the day for me where aconite thril, I had heard good things and they just blew me away, well worth waiting for.
  9. Yeah First song, was a bit coppy, going one this to the next, and the middle bit was abit dull and went on too long. Second song/riff thing, sounded must more interesting and easily worked on, well thats juts my opion.
  10. a Cryptopsy You are Cryptopsy! You're one of the most well rounded death metal bands around! You have everything anyone could want in a death metal band: speed, technicality, heaviness, and brutality. Lightning fast guitars, drums, and bass, amazing death metal growls are what you're known for!
  11. Yeah My music hasn't really changed alot, I liked grunge for a little bit( I have four Nirvana albums) but after that I just went up the metal scale and listened to differnt types of metal, from nu-metal, to old school metal, to the core bands of today. The only thing that has changed is that I hate Nirvana.
  12. Yeah I'll probably always love KoRn, they were the first real band I got into so even when they take out albums like Untouchables, I'll still love them, and will buy there albums, but must admit that cover is very very poor
  13. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, i was too scared to type, k**b its naughty.
  14. Would like to see Allergo, but i'll wait for september.
  15. I understand that and wasn't implying that, when i used to get stoned at the second femo practice I fell asleep because i was so stoned and no use to anyone, so i understand, so I understand what your saying and angel because he's in my band, and c him write, was just saying everyone should decide whats good for them.
  16. " Fuck you, I'm fed up with, I not as good as you, Fuck it i'm better than you."
  17. We as a band are still looking for the right singer, if there is anyone out there who feels that they can sing, and are interested in what femo are doing them leave a messsage here or pm me, we practice every thrusday at the lock up, just incase someone can't make that day.
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