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Everything posted by HummerOfIntenseEvil

  1. Don't be mean - there's nothing wrong with the name Amber. Ba-doom TISH!
  2. Can normal people (ie those not strictly in the music biz) get that?
  3. *Makes mental note* When it says "Flicker" on the 7th, presumably that isn't the pre-1989 Manic Street Preachers bassist of the same name?
  4. Save the family member. For all I know, the five strangers could be utter cunts. They might even have started the fire. Perhaps they were trying to get my relative burnt in the fire, and also happen to have made a suicide pact. In fact, if that was the case, then they wouldn't want to be saved anyway. The small child could even have been Damien. Basically I reckon you'd have to be a bit of a glory hunting prick to choose five complete stangers over your own family member. Unless it was a family member you don't like. Or you were able to be completely Stalinist about it. Or the family member was a firefighter.
  5. Anarchists in the true sense of the word? No. These folk don't care about existing independently of the state, they just think "anarchy=being a cunt". They've seen clips of Johnny Rotten going "I wanna beeeeee anarchyyyyyyyy. I get pissed, destrooooooooooy" and thought "oh wow, anarchists smash things up! I totally want to be an anarchist min!" Same with May Day protests - I'm sure most of them are anti-capitalists, but the ones who actually cause the trouble don't give a shit about it. if they did, it's not the police they'd riot against - it'd be McDonalds and Asda. The proper anarchists would hopefully know fine that violence isn't going to help their cause one little bit.
  6. I saw some straight-edge dancing in some "punk" club in Dundee a while back. Possibly the funniest thing ever. It's ace watching little boys trying to look hard. Not in a Michael Jackson sense though.
  7. Narc's information is, as far as I know, 100% factual.
  8. I'm going to spend this entire weekend recovering from drinking a ridiculous amount of alcohol last night. My advice: if you've only been drunk twice in the past 6 months, don't drink 60 of alcohol in places that aren't actually expensive.
  9. Makes sense to me. There's nothing wrong with a band looking to past music and trying to reinterpret a style in their own way, but bands who just ape the current zeitgiest in order to get some quick exposure are just lazy, and usually get found out unless the songs they produce are so good that it seems they started the style themselves.
  10. Aye, there's the potential for it to be beyond ace. But it'll probably get spoilt somehow.
  11. From the way folk are going on about pubs like 524, you'd think that as soon as you walk in, someone comes up to you and says "Fit ye lookin' at? Startin' like ye bauuuuuum?" and then goes SMACK!!! right in your puss. Is that an accurate picture to be getting? I'm never quite sure why folk are so scared of supposedly rough pubs if this isn't the case.
  12. Yeeeaaaarrrrggghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brilliant! I went to see them at King Tut's in May, but I couldn't see much of the stage half the time due to being a shortarse. The new album is absolutely ace. I will DEFINITELY be at this gig. Even if I have to kill people to get there for some strange reason.
  13. Same here. I hated her initially, but to be fair she was just really good at her special task. Then I started feeling a bit sorry for her since she got lumbered with ANOTHER secret task. And she was absolutely immense on last night's show. I really hope she wins now. Was it just my ears hearing things, or did Saskia say "your type" or words to that effect, ie blacks? I remember on her intro video thingy she said she hated immigrants, and seemed to have rather BNPesque reasons. Perhaps that's why she only hangs around with the white housemates. I can't wait for her barely-concealed racism to rear it's ugly head during future arguments. It'll be brilliant. Hopefully she'll go out of the house to a crowd of black people and get the annihilation I've been waiting for someone to get since Jade somehow escaped it. I noticed a recent issue of Heat had her mum or someone trying to say what a nice girl she is - when she's actually a nasty, hateful piece of work. No amount of "oh she's battled so bravely with her heart troubles all her life" propaganda will hide what people see on the TV. I just hope Big Brother's bosses don't shirk from showing it.
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