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Everything posted by HummerOfIntenseEvil

  1. So did anyone actually come and see us? If so what did you think? We felt it was a bit of a weird gig, made weirder by the fact we can't quite put our finger on why it felt weird. Me fucking up a 7 minute song within the first few drumbeats didn't exactly help like! I daresay finding the lead for my bass amp suddenly wasn't working just before soundcheck didn't help matters either (whoever it was that decided it was okay to just borrow it - thanks for that. Really.)
  2. Because that IS me. I evolve, I don't... revolve...
  3. Who is it that said that again, Principal Skinner?
  4. Their the wons that eye think most people on hear will have trouble with though.
  5. I was going to wait for it to come out on CD so that I didn't have to break my "never pay for a download" rule, but then I realised that Leviathan was actually the only song I was at all interested in having, so I just downloaded it anyway. That tracklisting made me feel as sad as I used to feel during the Shitpop era.
  6. 19/20 I got the 'long-lost brother' one wrong. The "what does this word mean?" ones were a bit unfair really - a few of them were far from commonly used words. It's the "their/there" type questions that were the most goodest.
  7. Aaahhhhhh... they're also playing with us on friday. Didn't realise they used to be Lift.
  8. Dunno, but if they do I'd be surprised. Send in a demo of DJ Hog!
  9. I now feel like a dentist who has stumbled upon The Irremovable Tooth.
  10. I can just imagine Richey... "You are witnessing the rebirth of Stroszek." I'm nae putting an aubergine down my pants though. [/spinal Tap referencing]
  11. I've just noticed... if you unfocus your eyes while looking at the picture, it looks EXACTLY like an advert for a new Barbie & Ken wedding set. Actually you don't even have to unfocus your eyes. They look fucking plastic. Surprise that...
  12. Exactly! I personally think Stroszek are going to become the greatest band Scotland has ever produced' date=' but we leave any hyperbole like that to our uber-fan Ollie! Haha!! Self-important "quips" like that merely reinforce the widely held opinion that you've got a vastly over-inflated view of yourselves. It's not 5 pages of slagging, it's 5 pages of people trying (and apparently failing) to make you see what is wrong with your whole attitude. Or to put it another way, 5 pages of people banging their heads against a wall. And don't bother with the "oh it's so funny seeing how riled you all are ROFL!!!" type shite. It's a well abused tactic of arrogant twats.
  13. Namedropping doesn't change the fact your music is awful and that the only thing you could possibly bring to the national music scene is it's demise. The Little Kicks have been played on Radio 1 - yet you don't see them banging on about it. That's why no one hates them. The only reason folk have a go at you is because you clearly need to be taken down a peg or fifteen. Don't gloat, it's cuntish.
  14. Are you intentionally trying to sound like a cunt? But in all seriousness, no. But is it a bad thing if you think we sound like them? That is the question! Come and see us, our other songs sound different, especially the newest ones.
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