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Everything posted by Birdman

  1. please be my friend, im loney and sad. im really cool you know! www.myspace.com/parcemihidomine
  2. My new cartoon...no title to it really. (Not Birdman)
  3. haha for a second I thought this thread was about me. sometimes I wonder if G Bush intimidates our country and our government get pushed into making decisions that benefit US. (Not Birdman)
  4. I'm pretty ill after seeing this one (Not Birdman)
  5. "loser" & "pffft pervert" for bumping this thread I'm not sure I follow (Not Birdman)
  6. Any more? (Not Birdman)
  7. That islam-guide link is pretty poor. Got like 2 paragraphs on things like Islam in USA. Good on you for offering to help but there must be something out there with a little more to it that this one. (No Birdman)
  8. Half inspired from that picture and half from Cowboy Daniel's post about MySpace. Any funnier ones? (Not Birdman)
  9. SPIKE PILE DRIVER! .......5 years later (Not Birdman)
  10. mudhoney - tomorrow hits today (Not |Birdman)
  11. Not losing at soggy biscuit last night (Not Birdman)
  12. Yeah' date=' mine would be an inescapable Auschwich style compound and an temporamental army of guards who will eradicate any scrap or morsel of the freedoms they had before. Everything they do whilst detained would leave them literally begging for quick death and only the ones that show total and utter reform would be eligible for something even mildly comforting. Its time this country stomped the fuck out of this pathetic crime situation and started to really show punishment! I, for one, would totally back a camp where prisioners owuld sweat buckets at the mere mention of fucking up and heading off to a camp like that....fuck I'd give them amonths wage to pass it through the legal system [b'](Not Birdman) All you TV Tanned Pink-o's will one day see the way it will have to be in the future.....its either that or living in a terror ridden country
  13. I love the part where Richie is freaking out before they go on holiday in 5 hours time so he gets Eddie to walk to the train station and back to time it, see how long it takes. I know its already been established, but, Bottom is just the definition of Sublime in comedy. Has anyone ever watched every single episode back to back (18 of)? if so, can I meet you??......is it true what the myth is when you watch all of them back to back? (Not Birdman)
  14. My friend smoking Pot in a car he could barely drive and losing the ability to regain his wasted composure with the windows down. It was about 1am in a place where I'm sure I saw flocking of some sort in a field. Most likely humans but they could've been cows, or worse, sheep. (Not Birdman)
  15. thanks for the good contribution. (Not Birdman)
  16. Judging by the terrible posting catagories and total lack of morals expressed in almost every single thread on that Punk forum' date=' its probably good that the moderators are pretty strict here. Its a pretty good example of a badly run Message Board I mean, this isn't even the worst one!: [b']Thread: HaPPy BirFdaY KeN PreFect!1 User: PeeDrinkingCrapFace enough said (Not Birdman)
  17. I guess you have a point there...there is potential to that situation. But at least in that case the killing of the murderer would be totally and uttelry justified as opposed to the 8 hour sex ordeal their 12 year old daughter went through before she met with an untimely and horrifically painful demise. "If you can't do the time' date=' don't do the crime" - Thugs mate [b'](Not Birdman)
  18. life is fucking harsh to you in all cases, it sucks dont it adam xxx
  19. Mr Tanned you are so ridiculously left it worries me that you push your views over to us on this messageboard. The facts are that the state of the prison system in our country IS a joke. It NEEDS to be changed and changed in a manner that it acts as a deterrant to the people out there committing a crime. Ever heard the expression "man, I don't want to go to jail....I wouldn't last 10 minutes" well thats because thats the effect of having a vicious prison system that deals with the criminals the way they deserve to be dealt with. When a man axes the shit out of a pregnant lady or something else quite plausible in society, gets indicted on a count of a hefty wad of evidence, then I assure you, in a world of (Not Birdman)'s punishment camp, he'd be swallowing amonia on day one. You'd call it psychotic or perhaps inhuman.......perhaps one day you might see your own family fucked up by a criminal and I bet that if he's let out on some tiny scrap of inconclusive evidence, you most certainly WILL NOT be smiling in the courtroom (Not Birdman)
  20. Well I'm sure a collaboration of 99% factual evidence regarding the mans whereabouts and acts during the crime will prove his guilt. Capital punishment is the ultimate deterrent. You must be blind not to see that. The amount of re-offenders in the country is rising every single years because of the following < They are getting free accommodation and food in jail for committing offences < They are getting benefits and cash rewards because they claim to be "bored" < Their sentances are being slashed significantly regardless of good behaviour < They are no longer receiving punishment to the level of that in the 30's i.e painful and necessary < There comfots in the cells include luxuries such as Sky TV and sporting equipment, which would far better suit a failing school Why should I go on here.....I think my point is made clear. oh yeah, and by criminal I mean Thief, murderer, etc and not the 80 year old widow that some of you would like to skewer readers of this thread with. (Not Birdman)
  21. That sounds incredibly illegal..................................................is it? (Not BirdmAN)
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