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Everything posted by Birdman

  1. Hey guys! just have to say how bloody excited i am for the new Sigur Ros album coming out in six days time! seeing them play the new songs live (including glosoli) just opened my eyes to the fact that their are getting better and better! i honestly cant understand why people hate them so much! anyways, hope the feelings are mutual for most of the aubl forums! adam xxx
  2. hmm so thats what ive been doing wrong! lol! how can you tell a decent girl when the last 2 ones who cheated on me seemed really really nice? and yeah guys usually think sexually more than emotionally, thats what ive percieved anyway!
  3. grrrr well if relationships are so good then why do girls sometimes cheat on guys!?!? *sniff* excluding the fact that its usually the guy who does adam xxx
  4. completely untrue! - i love waffles and know that they come from processed frozen food factories, yes not from potatoes! TPBM - has quite a ;iking for the artist BECK!
  5. False - I'm playing for a single post TPBM humps owls (Not Birdman)
  6. actually, be there by 5, is that cool mike? adam xxx
  7. Birdman want fun, birdman gets fun at seaton park today! ill be there! please people come out! adamxxx
  8. 65 days of static - Retreat Retreat!
  9. lol ill try it, as long as it doesnt make me more insane than i actually am woooooooooooooooooooooo!
  10. aaaw thanks for both the web addresses hun, looks as if birdman is gonna have many nightmares tonight *sniff*
  11. *adam hides under his bed covers*
  12. and NOWE lets get on to talking about POSTAL SERVICE woohoo! uuuuuuuuuuh.............
  13. fucking beautiful album, makes me wanna go and listen to icarus line
  14. a hunter is searching for some decent animals to shoot in the woods, whilst steadily making his way to the deepest area of the forest he comes across an extremely hot and an extremely naked woman lying on the ground by a tree. he stares at her with a steady gaze, she smiles at him slyly and fondles with her hair, then the hunter says:- "so hunni, are you game?" with that the naked minstrel replies in a crooning voice:- "i sure am honey pie!" He then shoots her in the head with his shotgun
  15. shaun f! i must know that girls myspace account! im gonna add her for sheer guts, or maybe i think shes hot..........
  16. honestly, not being a bastard, but is that really a girl or more just the thing from the deep boggy swamp? or male?
  17. who the fuck is that afro headed twat with a dumb assed gormless grin? oh wait i know...........
  18. oh, and playing "beware the friendly stranger" by Boards Of Canada on loop in the background doesn't improve matters! *returns to hiding under my bed covers* adam xxx
  19. What the fuck is going on with this salad fingers fellow? was recommended it by my mates and it gave me nightmares? why is it so warped? www.fat-pie.com
  20. again i say you are being a bit TOOOOOO harsh, i would have thought you would at least of heard something that you like from the band, even a band i hate i will still manage to pick out something to compliment on or something that sounds pretty catchy
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