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Everything posted by Birdman

  1. If anyone's interested in this headline acts website, you'll find it in the writing below: wow, the 80's were worse than I thought! (Not birdman)
  2. Neither. I use Pivot. I'm sure there's a web address somewhere for the guy who made the program. (Not Birdman)
  3. I beat Eisenhower's hand of Pokemon cards - working title (Not Birdman)
  4. I am but don't finish work til 3:30pm (Not Birdman)
  5. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaah! THE ICARUS FUCKING LINE!!! definately NOT not birdman
  6. wow, for a pop punk pretty girl, thats some heavy music. (Not Birdman)
  7. This one is hilarious and a perfect example of the Simpsons prime: "Roll in at nine, punch out at five, that's the plan." Heh, heh, heh. They don't suspect a thing. The camera pans down to Homer's mouth, but he doesn't say anything. It pans back up to his brain. Well, off to the plant. (out loud) "Then to the Duff Brewery." Uh, oh. Did I say that or just think it? (out loud) "I've got to think of a lie fast!" (Not Birdman)
  8. The Real message behind Stonehenge Against all odds Mission impossible with dicks (Not Birdman)
  9. "Bullying: We all do it and we all love it!" - Back of the Y - Danny parker (Not Birdman)
  10. I see the Simpsons (new episodes) these days and I see: bland, watered down humour almost completely drained of wit and strucutre. The episodes themselves are just dire compared to the oldies...totally dire. The plot withers form start to finish, homers gone from being a bit of a clumsy idiot to a Lobotomy victim. Everything has changed and its all been for the worse. Matt Groening left and simpsons went downhill badly...hence why he stopped making Futurama. He saw the plight of Simpsons after the onyl brain left and he wanted to keep his newer baby from suffering such an abomination. I guess its my opinion but really, its fact too. (Not Birdman)
  11. I think this one's an old version of Keira No offence intended (Not Birdman)
  12. he's missing the TY on the end (Not Birdman)
  13. We all face the facts every time we turn on Channel 4....Simpsons these days is God Awful! We all know that no-one really likes Simpsons anymore but feel the need to continually laugh at it because it still IS the Simpsons. But when did the deterioration begin? Matt Groening left in 1996 but I don't think the decline really started until about mid 97. What do you think? (Not Birdcage) EDIT: For illiterate folks here: - Simpsons cartoon series...Why would Matt Groening fuck around with any other Simpsons!?!?!
  14. Just so you don't get duped into going to this gig - I have seen Viking Skull and, quite frankly, I think they're the worst band I've seen in moshulu. They play regurgitated 80's bad metal and they play it badly.....now you might be thinkking "well, 2 negatives make a positive"....well thats only in maths and doesn't apply to shit bands. Please understand that this is my opinion, and, if I was part of some form of elected group of a board of some calibre who's job it was to remove stick stick bands from the music industry to avoid unnecessary duplication of bollocks thats already in existance, this band would be first! But hey, that might be your bag. (Not Birdman)
  15. Does anyone have a bass drum for sale? I'm looking for anything from 18" upwards. Thanks. (Not Birdman)
  16. Death from above 1979 - 10 Fopp Funkadelic - Standing on the verge of getting it on - 5 downstairs One-Up Birdman - release the Bird from the Birdman - 5 Moshulu gig The Apes - $9 Birdman.com (Not Birdman)
  17. Its impossible to lose if you're literate. (Not Birdman)
  18. Funkadelic's frontman George Clinton deserves a picture that really captures his appearance (Not Birdman)
  19. You heard me! Go for it... Me first: Lightning Bolt NOTE: you might want to make the picture an accurate representation of the music (to the best you can), else people won't want to know about your lame as fuck band. (Not Birdman)
  20. ^^ Nightmare! (Not Birdman)
  21. Is getting a high number really a good thing or do you just date a girl with a pubic thatch who's got some skewered passion for shaving techniques? (Not Birdman)
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