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Everything posted by medichi

  1. Nah, see Linkin Park had some decent tunes, well produced etc -shite it may be, but I can see why it does/did well. Aiden on the other hand have no tunes, terrible production, awful image - whats to fuckin like?
  2. Seriously? I can see he appeal of most of the current popular crap (P!ATD, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance) - but really, what is it with this pish?
  3. Bit of a vague one this: On AOL broadband with wireless router (NetGear). From startup can usually connect no problems for an undetermined length of time when the connection will suddenly cut out. Will then be unable to connect until I've shut down and restarted. Bit f*&cking annoying, so any answers greatfully received....
  4. Sepultura doing "Roots Bloody Roots" on Hotel Babylon Wildhearts - every time they were ever on TOTP
  5. medichi


    47 in line at Play, with an extra controller, Zelda, Play, Sports and Rayman. I suck.
  6. Didn't we already do this? Anyway: Clutch/CoC @ Liverpooll Academy Sick Of It All @ Roadkill Raised Fist @ Roadkill
  7. Agreed. Utter bobbins, buts its being hailed as their "best ever". Pish.
  8. So which album has let you down? For me: Isis - In Absence of Truth They used to be great - distinctive, intelligent and heavy. Now they sound like they've fallen behind all the copycat bands that sprung up around them. Seriously disappointing album. No great tunes/riffs/emotions etc. Bo and indeed hiss. Lucky IntrOnaut have begun to pick up the slack....
  9. I already have all of Preacher, and Watchmen - agreed, its awesome - and tried 30 Days of Night, which looks great, but is a bit 2D. For Xmas, I've ordered 300 and volume 1 of The Walking Dead. I'll check out some of the other suggestions in the new year.
  10. Highly recommend the newie from the Haunted - I have "...Made Me Do It" and "One Kill Wonder", and its a very different beast to those two. Much less straight forward thrashing, more alt influence making it a really well rounded album. Some great melodies, LOADS of self-loathing and vitriol. A nice surpirise, cos was expecting it to be a bit shit.....
  11. Good man. Great album - but they're no Champion! Who/what are this band? Never heard of them. Off to myspace..... Hang on..... Eh? Are you drunk Jimmy L?
  12. You cunt. You complete and utter cunt. This from a man who claims 18 Visions are a quality act. Hahhahahaaaahahahahhhhaaaa! Seriously, DKYN is easily as good as Endnote. Raging tunes, great production, and its not run-of-the-mill "metalcore" shite. I hate you Ben.
  13. Ugh. I'd have warned you off that. The first album is fucking great though. My top albums (in no order): Genghis Tron - Dead Mountain Mouth Hope Conspiracy - Death Knows Your Name The Bronx - II Sick of it All - Death To Tyrants Riverboat Gamblers - To The Confusion of Our Enemies Kylesa - Time Will Fuse Its Worth The Abominable Iron Sloth - s/t Converge - No Heroes Deftones - Saturday NIght Wrist is really growing on me at the moment too......
  14. Gah! Got my pre-order tix, but hate paying ticketmaster "handling" then "postage". Cunts. Better be good for £25. *edit* pre-sale link is via Deftones.com, registering with some cunts that are basically ticketmaster, then them bleeding you dry with new charges on every page*
  15. Yes yes YAAAAAASSSS! Liverpool, 8th March. Defo.
  16. Dammit, just finished reading Transmet, and now theres a big empty comic-book shaped hole. Any suggestions? ps When is the next 100 Bullets comp out?
  17. medichi

    Later . . .

    Copyright Ross Morrison 1997 - Present
  18. Seriously. She needed a nail driving through her face.
  19. I'll be seein' em in Manc the night before. "Death Knows Your Name" is one of the best records of the year.....
  20. AaAaAaAaaaaaaaaaaahghghhhhhhh my ears!
  21. I like "Paradise, Found" but they ARE a bit silly. Its all a bit "safe" too - not truly chaotic like it should be. The new Bronx record is the best punk n roll of the last few years easy. If y'all like Fight Paris, you could try Cancer Bats - similar in vein, little heavier. Touring soon, but have brilliantly chosen the same night the Darkest Hour/Misery Signals/BTBAM tour rolls through Liverpool to play here..... http://www.myspace.com/cancerbats Check it. Think you'll like it.
  22. Machine Head - Davidian Hope Con - Deadtown Nothing The Bronx - Histories Stranglers Cancer Bats - Golden Tanks Deftones - Hole in the Earth
  23. medichi


    Would like to see them, but Decemberunderground is in the running for biggest dissapointment of 2006.....
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