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Everything posted by delboy

  1. and outrageous hair habits! there's a time and a place for both drum machines and drummers
  2. drum machines drink less, dont want paying and stay in time.....
  3. staging the plaguing of the raised platform by cornershop this is a beautiful song that everyone should hear
  4. bet he's really listening to the new busted single....
  5. yes i have played it and predictably lost....
  6. its hen and the number is 01224 619930
  7. stop it christie me sides are aching....
  8. i would say i'd phone a friend if i had any.... tweak the EQ final answer chris
  9. mind you we see little evidence of 'the kids' thinking....
  10. are we thinking/posting at the same time christie??? spooky!
  11. god thats shit that radio 2 wont play it, you'd expect that kind of snobbery from radio 1 but not radio 2 (maybe now going down the same road). but you know good on em, they don't really need radio play anyway!
  12. but is it as good as 'incommunicado' or 'garden party' my two fave marillion songs of all time?
  13. i'm fully trained in the art of washing dishes, its just that i'm a lazy sod....
  14. fuck what a line up, i shall be there to ooze at maple, deffo still my fave aberdeen band.....
  15. delboy

    Smoking Ban

    sometimes not being able to hear the music at gigs is a good thing
  16. delboy

    Smoking Ban

    i think the way that smokers are victimised for their habit is grossly unfair. alcohol causes far more problems in society than tobacco ever will and is just as bad for you, if not worse. alright i understand the problems passive smoking causes and any resonsible smokes will comply and understand that there are certain places you shouldn't smoke (e.g. planes, buses, cinema etc) but the anti smiking lobbyists just take it to the extreme. at the end of the day smoking is a legal activity so why shouldn't it be promoted through the usual channels?
  17. aye, free entry, first band on at 8-45, bands judge by panel of piss head judges order of bands is drawn on the night whole night badly compered by my good self...
  18. delboy

    Smoking Ban

    i have to say i'm a very obiedient smoker, it i'm told i can't smoke somewhere then i wont the only exception to this rule is when i'm pissed at a gig at the music hall....
  19. it depends what you want out of t break, like going through customs and analysing a footy match everyone has differing opinions and experiences. but you know its a good way to play the festival, drink lots of free warm tennants and looks good on the CV.
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