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Bonesaw Bazz

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Everything posted by Bonesaw Bazz

  1. is it neck heavy? I have the 100 and sits nice. Teabags has the 50 SG look-a-likey and i neck heavy. wondered if it would be the same for the F.
  2. actually.... you sure you got that date right? says 16th on the top post.... canna do 16th like
  3. That's what i thought aboot yer MAW!!! ...when i was shagging this morning. haha poor i know but was lying there waiting to molested. Ooka
  4. It was that beautiful Trace Cab you was using! haha I thought it sounded cool though... Teabags thought it was too loud and i thought i'd join in cause it was funny.
  5. Ooooh. You managed to resist verbally assaulting me. Well done!
  6. I do.... but i'll be paying special attention tonight. Just for you baby! Use a pick.... it's louder naturally! haha I'm not the most talented bass wanker but i know all the right stops to hit to keep me satisfied.
  7. Ah... Irony, fantastic thing. Did enjoy the KK solo noises though. haha
  8. Aye, he could wank a bass pretty well. Bit like yerself i guess. Pity neither of you are ever loud enough though. Looks impressive though... Craig doesn't fill Mike's boots even slightly but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Seemed to do a solid enough job, there are other wankers in Element to balance it out! haha I mean that in the nicest possible way of course....
  9. This is also the case for Norway... so i'd image E106's wee jaunt to Sweden will be the same. Unless you feel filthy rich and wanna pay the extra of course... Just ask Mum and Dad! hehe Ooka
  10. True that! You mind Carbonized? Fucking classic stuff. Featuring the bassist of Entombed, i think he's on guitar in this. Would explain the bassy as fuck tone.
  11. Sounds like Elgin... at least you have an alternative now though. I'm pretty sure the rest of Bonesaw would be up for a wee trek down to Montrose if ye wanna put us on sometime. Bazz
  12. holy shit! Someone else agree's with me that "Beneath the Remains" is the best album!! Woohoo!! Although "Arise" is a close 2nd for me. "Chaos AD" follows the sliding scale downwards as does "Roots"... The rest i haven't even heard. No Max or Igor? Glad Bonesaw never got support then... only reason i wanted it was to meet them! haha Ooka
  13. Be cool to play Montrose actually. Only ever been there to deliver meat to various burger-vans, bakers & Glaxo. Gigs in The Star a regular thing? Bazz Ooka
  14. Mmmmm that Warpig set does look nice. Damn it i wish i had money. Imagine that ripping through my 5150... Mmmmmm. Excuse me.. heh
  15. Bonesaw can do the 23rd... it's been confirmed with the Khunts.. Can we play huh? huh? huh?
  16. 2 posts about a release and NO mention of how much... Do you actually wanna sell them? hehe
  17. expand? hmmmm. I have a bunch of Norwegians coming over, Lobotomized. Playing Aberdeen on the 29th Sept. There may also be a bunch of Swiss... nae sure. If they dinna come there will be a free slot. Will let ya know. Bazz
  18. ah fuck, i forgot about this... ended up nae going to Birmingham and did nowt on Sunday really. Fuck a duck. Anything else booked? I might have a wee thing happening in the future... see how things pan out.
  19. fucking superb! haha oh, and a thumbs up for the Unsane fan!!
  20. Lobotomized from Norway. I'm loving it but i can understand it ain't everyones cup of tea. Fit yiz think? BazzOoka Norwegian Trash
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