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Bonesaw Bazz

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Everything posted by Bonesaw Bazz

  1. You still looking for bands for this show? Hellbound from Dundee are looking for a show up these parts. They are pretty good in a Pantera way. Said i'd ask. Ta
  2. This thread is a fucking joke. I have yet to hear a Metal band from Aberdeen that i like. Since the Korpse & Inextremis days anyway. I'm not saying they are all shite. Just, I don't like 'em. So in short.... YER AW PISH!!! Heckles are ace! Why the hell would you spit the dummy out on a forum because of heckles? tut, tut. Why is it that the Aberdeen music scene always has bands squabbling with each other? Especially the Metal scene i notice. Aren't we all in it for the same reason? I guess if we were closer to another city the squabbles may be aimed in that direction. Everyone seems too preoccupied with slagging each other off than turning up to gigs though. It's a shame and will only cause our scene more harm than good.. The joys of being inbred ,sheep shaggin cheuchters i guess!! haha I still think Dis-Ease should be a "D" Beat band though!! haha Ooka
  3. fucking YAS!!! I canna wait to see those Khunts 3 nights in a row. Fuckin Belter!
  4. Is this the "Scottish Banter" that yanks love so much? YER AW SHIITE!!!!!
  5. Bastard!!! At least i was gonna wait to steal one! haha But i guess he lives a little farther away from The Tunnels than i do...
  6. The Moorings lets you put up non-Moorings gig posters. I think flyering other heavy gigs would be a good idea. We did that at Napalm Death for our next outtings in September with Lobotomized (Norway). Otherwise, i'll keep thinking. Bazz
  7. Cheers dude. Every new song is my favourite haha. This one is NO exception.
  8. yeah they are.. can't remember there exact start time but Bonesaw's is 9:20. So i'd say about 45min after that at the earliest.
  9. The Korpse boys and my cousin Steve always mention that fucking gig to me!!! But i have Traumafest which featured...oh only, REPULSION to throw back!! This festival was were i saw PS as a 2 piece. Seen Macabre & Brutal Truth since too.. nae fussed anymore haha.
  10. Aye got to admit i'm dubious about the quality of it.. but i'll be sure to say once i've gave it a few listens. Obituary have went gradually downhill since "Slowly We Rot" i think. But getting Alan West back was a BIG mistake. I was stuck infront of that wanker when they played Glasgow.... miserable self-righteous cock. He fucked up his OWN solo's???? loser!
  11. ah, that's cool. I never managed to acquire any bands address' back in the Tape Trading days but i have since got Chris Reiferts email address. Was a bit chuffed when he said he liked Bonesaw!! as you could imagine. Pungent Stench are still churning out good tunes though. Ampeauty is an awesome album. Not as dirty sounding but still heavily ladden with groove. Think along the Viva La Muerte, Horny Little Piggybank lines...
  12. could be true but i think hitting actual notes and keeping time comes into it at somepoint min!! haha
  13. I forgot you texted me about this album.. Shall be checking it out today sir.
  14. FINALLY!!! Someone starts a thread about an AMAZING band.. Canna beat the Stench. All there videos are fully loaded with cheese. Ye canna say they take themselves too seriously though. I saw them play in Madrid as a 2 piece as there bassist couldn't make it... I was still in total awe though.
  15. yeah this has been noted with Donnie N Co's Elgin shows.. If the place allows underagers then it'll be busy. But only if you are able to let the kids know in the first place.. It is a toughy and a reason i ain't delved into these area's before. You really need people on the ground level in said toons willing to do the work with flyering etc. Yeah there is the net but i ain't searching through 8000 friends to find a handful of Morayshire folks.. If it even says they are on there profile!! But back to point... these people don't exist! Or are few and far between. Mr Mordred certainly seemed to have his ways of letting who needed to know... know for the Man Must Die gig but now lack of Venue has put end to Elgin shows. Unless Dave has discovered otherwise.
  16. Glenfiddich you say? haha That is Jeeve's employer that is! Jeeves also has a PA which i am 50% owner of. Would not be a problem as said PA is already in Dufftown. Main issue is the logistics and getting said venues to agree on which nights you wanna play. I mean... is it really worth playing Foggie on a Monday night? haha and obviously budget. I dunno about the SPD guys but Bonesaw canna afford to splash the cash on getting to wee toons for a tin of Tennants and a beating fae local Punch drunkards. This is turning into an Element thread though... Can't we talk about this like MEN, with mouths and ears? haha Bazz
  17. Sounds like a good plan. If based in Elgin and Donnie (i know him well) or Marshall is up for it then we have the backline. 6 seats though. That's 1 band. ie all of Bonesaw + driver. where are the 4 SPDer's gonna sit?? I fear my car might be needed... but i wanna be in the van!!! I'll call yer man once we have all spoken about dates for said mini-tour. Also have to look at the budget. Cheers for the help once again Ross! Bazz
  18. 2. So we are SPD's chaffeurs? haha Wondered why we got asked... What about vans? you guys got access to one?
  19. yeah actually... that sounds a smashing idea sir!
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