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Bonesaw Bazz

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Everything posted by Bonesaw Bazz

  1. Well that would sound smashing if i played Guitar in Bonesaw dude. Dinna think you'd appreciate a Trace Elliot bass rig running through yer bonny guitar gear eh? haha But, i'm sure Sid or Paul will look after it just as well if you don't mind them using it. BazzOoka
  2. Nae lang noo. Those of you who will be there when Bonesaw are on, expect a new tune AND and new cover!! Who said we are lazy bastards? hehe
  3. if Air Guitar is anything to go by it'll be WANK. Might check it out anyway though... Any alternative to Moshulu is welcome in my eyes.
  4. Ah okay even better then. Although we have full backline we don't have means of our own to transport it. There are options but all of them would dispose of the money we would make from the gig. You know of any heavy local acts per chance? Sorry if i'm taking the piss with the bombardment of questions. I like to be prepared and sounds like ye know what you are talking about to me.
  5. yeah i have came across a fair few folk on myspace up that way. Finding them again is the problem! haha but i guess if they see a poster and remember our name.. boom. Bandwise i haven't came across any other than Birthmachine who Filthpact played with in Elgin. We have our own backline though just a PA we'd need to sort out. Jeeves has one but that's in Dufftown!! Nae sure if his delivery radius cover Inverness. Cheers for the help though dude! Be cool to play Inverness again. Was about 15 years ago i last played there.
  6. Ah okay, that sounds an option then. I know ye mention "Heavy" bands but we are Death Metal dude... think 2hrs of that will be too much (Not that we could play for 2 hrs of course)? haha Oh, and do you know if any backline is there already? I know i could get this info by calling them of course but since i'm here etc i thought i'd ask.
  7. Tiny i can deal with! Only thing is the travelling all the way up there and nae khunt turns up... Which is why i kinda prefer to work with promoters. Are those places fairly well known and established for gigs? Nae a fan of playing to Bar Staff! haha
  8. What about Inverness then? I know it has The Works or whatever but it seems a little big for Unsigned folks making themselves known. There any promoters or "The Moorings Bar" equivalents up there?
  9. did ye find any? I know folk in Elgin that do gigs but they have been struggling to get venues. Some 2 year olds finger painting on a church hall gets a little torn and BOOM. No more venue... Gotta love the cheuchters
  10. fits the running order out of interest? Oh, and backline requirements?
  11. Bonesaw okay for this een dude. Sorry for the delay
  12. yeah... i also heard they have DIRECTLY replaced Filthpact meaning.... they are on 2nd???? Oh Dear....
  13. 13.50 (9 concessions and Regulars) Doors 8pm / Onstage 8:30pm
  14. Surprised there ain't a thread about this already.... who is all going then?
  15. You picked the best show so far to check out Fuctoff. I was also impressed. Be sure to let us know once you have the new stuff recorded.
  16. you mean Bonesaw haven't confirmed per chance? Jamming Monday... i'll ask then. That soon enough?
  17. pity no one took charge of getting the bands arses in gear though. I would have seen everyone had they not had 30min change overs!! I can see St.Mitch medallions selling well! haha
  18. Aye! SPD have improved vastly! That bass tone was fucking killer!! Got a bit bored of the "slow riff, blast, end" structures and i think Jake could experiment with a different vocal style to mix it up a bit (even unleash that scream he used early on - or do you only have 1 in the tank? haha) but otherwise fuckin crackin!! I was doing my best to keep the banter going.. Fuctoff, i'll add my name to the list of peeps who were impressed, gladly. Amazing what a sober TeaBag can achieve. WSBB, nae my thing. Was bored to tears. Yacopsae, saw like 2 songs and had to go home (7am start) but was suitably impressed with the speed and tight-as-fuck-ness they had. Fuckin school night gigs SUCK!!! ...i wish i didn't need sleep. Ooka
  19. He aint mentioned anything to me. We are playing The Moorings on the 29th Sept though... could do the 9th in Drummonds i guess. Be a while till i see the rest of the khunts to confirm though. Ooka
  20. aye, well, that was the first time i have actually listened to you guys i think! haha I just like joining in with insult throwing. It's actually nae as terrible as i expected. Solo's are a bit too wanky for my tastes, and riffs are sacrificed for chug chug chug, chug chug chug.....chug chug. too often but aye. Nae bad at all lads.
  21. aye, it's a belter!!! Snap his hand off!! I know it's been used in Filthpact etc but HE rarely touched it, being pissed out of his skull 125% of the time.
  22. King Seat. yeah. It's abandoned. Infact i think it's being turned into a "Village", converted into housing anyway. King Seat seems more likely for this story. Did you maybe just miss-hear it?
  23. Tony is the least likely to have time to do it though.... Looks like the runner up may clinch it!!
  24. Closest Hospital to King Street is on Urqhuart Road (at the beach end on the right). Old City Hospital. Don't think it was mental health though, and i think the stuff still being there might be bullshit. There was also a building that WAS for mental health on Constitution Street, opposite Matalan. It was abandoned for years but has been done up and is being used again. Has been for a number of years now.
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