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Bonesaw Bazz

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Everything posted by Bonesaw Bazz

  1. i have 2 pretty cool masks actually.... AND i dont have to pay!! woop! It's the rest though... Is a mask technically dressing up? I know i got a bit of stick for turning up to a Halloween gig dressed as "Bazz with a mask on!" hahaha
  2. I was at there first gig too. They were the ONLY good band who played. Shame they are calling it a day.
  3. Dresing up is a cool idea. I canna see me actually taking part myself like.. Party Pooper!!! Time slots look fine. 30min should be more than enough for everyone. It'll defo run over though.
  4. Wort news ever. All the worse case his wee boy died too. Truly Tragic.
  5. well there is that... but i was just saying yer a KNOB!! haha
  6. haha uhmmm i'm not sure how i'd react actually. The answer would obviously be no (although I am almost 100% certain you wouldn;t ask me in person though!!!). No offense to you but, the whole reason Bonesaw started was the like mindedness of the founders, and the lineup we find ourselves with now. Also, the reason i joined Filthpact was my friendship with the people and the liking of there band (work) ethic. I really can't say the same for you guys, just from a music perspective. I DO think i'd make your songs about 300% better though!! hahaha I've got the gift, what can i say? KHUNT!!!! Ooka
  7. There are far too many OKAY bands and nae enough ACE ones. New release-wise i have yet to be grabbed by anything this year. That includes High on Fire & Down (yes i've heard the new one) whom i am a HUGE fan of. Even the "Back from the Dead" bands such as Obituary, Gorefest are yet to truly excite me by what they have to offer in there new material. It's all paint by numbers, by my tastes anyway.... but i'm clearly too "Elite" for this thread! haha Metalcore has not & shall not EVER do anything but bore me. But, Classic albums aren't made every year as you say. Be cool to have more than just an okay one now and again though!! Rediscovering old gems or just plain discovering old gems is where it's at really... Unless you fancy following the New Wave of Thrash of course. SSS, Evile and the well established Municiple Waste are worth checking out. Personally i have been adventuring through Grindcore but have yet to find anything that gives me goose bumps likes Inhale/Exhale does. I'll be sure to let ye know if i find it!!! Bazz Ooka
  8. Hog is too busy rollin around in his Devinly Mudpit.
  9. Make sure everyone is there and ye might yet!!! When I walks out at 1am, after Bonesaw STILL haven't played 'cause there are SO many pished as fuck Metal bands fartin aboot. Bazz Ooka
  10. haha shit, what are they again? comPLAIN!!!!! memBRAIN!!!! INSANEiac (is was that someone else? haha)
  11. Never had them at High on Fire!!!! Look tasty though.
  12. My thoughts exactly.... I have never been asked funnily enough....
  13. I wonder... how is it that E106 can get 3 bassists now!? and, most other Metal bands round 'ere canna get een for love or money? Did you get a biology set for your birthday Hog? HOG IS GOD!!! He is creating an army of Clone Bassists!!!!
  14. I dunno why anyone would bother with that Shitehole in the first place. I'd play The East Neuk over Kef any day.
  15. check it oot!! They made a game!! haha Inextremis
  16. Each band could go on and play 1 song at a time. Play a song, come off.... NEXT!!! I'm just stappet full of stupid answers! Ooka
  17. Not my decision dude. I was joking like, but personally i'm not bothered whose slot we fill!! Oooo Errrr Missus!! Looks like the people have spoken... mostly to make sure i get home WAY after my bedtime by the looks of things! heh
  18. The WORLD my friend!! haha It's scary to start with...
  19. I'm not saying you were insulting them... just letting you know for when it comes time to finalise the billing order.
  20. I'd also say to you SOM boys... If you ever wanna get a gig down the Dundee area (YES, that's right, a gig OUTSIDE Aberdeen!!) then Hellbound are defo worth keeping in with. I wouldn't insult them by putting them on first.... They'll wipe the floor with most bands on the bill Showmanship wise. or, at least they were good to watch when we played with them doon in GlassCow (Dinna want to build them up too much! haha). Just some food for thought. Bazz
  21. Head first into the bald mans trap!!! oops!!!
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