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Bonesaw Bazz

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Everything posted by Bonesaw Bazz

  1. Ya mean Nester ain't coming?? Fuck.... i don't think i can play anymore.... There is just NO point. Life is so meaningless. I really thought the Government was starting to listen to us. I'm sure i saw Gordon Brown at the last East Neuk gig, but i could be mistaken.
  2. .....again? You should rename this forum "Hog" or something as it NEVER has anything about yer fucking band in it. Obviously too busy touring, writing & recording to get round to letting anyone know huh? hehe Bazz Ooka
  3. Well that was pretty much the answer i was expecting... has to be said. hehe
  4. Uhmmmm i am unaware of a heap of praise? I'm sure it will desist once we gig more regular than once ever 2 years... Is there anything in particular you don't like about us? Bazz
  5. It's actually saw's 2nd gig. We played Dundee just over a week ago. Gonna be fun though.
  6. Is that a good or a bad thing? ....and do not fret. Filthpact shall NOT perform another show naked! Not whilst i'm still thrashing for them anyway.
  7. Bonesaw!!!!! Canna fucking wait to get it gigging again i'll tell ya. Been sounding brutal in rehearsal so here's hoping we dinna get too pished aforehand. 2 bands in a row though?? NAE NEED!!!! Bazz Oot
  8. Yer right!!! hahaha He looked more like Jeff Hanneman in his youth though... but that might just have been the hair. Still Luv ya! Tony "The Metal" Tiger!! Because i'm Grrrrrrrrrruff!
  9. I think it's fairly easy to distinguish between Thurisaz posts and Dave Rowlands posts though... Weirdly enough there usernames are as stated. Now shut the FUCK up. back to Topic: I shall "hopefully" be in attendence (not bought a ticket yet) even though i'm not particularly enthused by the new een yet. It could be a grower. Will agree they went a bit pish though but i liked "enemies of the music business", "order of the leech" and "the code is red" though. Bigger fan of Venomous Concept though!! Kev Sharpe has the BEST vocals next to Andy Bonesaw!! haha Bazz Ooka
  10. Foo muckle are the tickets and when are they on sale??
  11. i know a guy that might be interested actually. I shall pass on your details.
  12. Do you think anyone actually knows what is going on?? haha You ain't as intelligent as i thought Jake...
  13. 2 tickets No. 163 & 164 for sale. Gig is on Tuesday at the Cathouse in Glasgow. anyone wants them give me a shout at bonesawbazz@hotmail.com Make me an offer as they won't get used otherwise. Cheers Bazz
  14. aye now fluff mentioned something about that.... fit the fuck are they playing it?? Gayboys.
  15. hmmm somehow i ain't surprised. The demo track they had on myspaz was a bit gash too i thought. but maybe that's more from the vocal side. The guy just AIN'T Oscar Garcia. But of course i'll get a copy of the album aff you anyway Calum haha.
  16. Never rated LOG and now i have a perfect reason to HATE them. Role on Nov....? 27 for Slayer? I just don't know if it's worth it.... ah fuck it. It's Slayer!!! hehe
  17. yep. A thoroughly unsatisfying experience. Could do, should do better. What happened to the fast songs?? It's like South of Heaven all over again.... was good it it's place but they need to slap us in the face with a sledge hammer now that Dave's back. But no... we'll tickle you with catchy anti god chorus's instead. Get te fuck by the way...... Nae Bazz Oot.
  18. Slayer for me. SYL are aright like but not bothered with them since City. But i have to agree about "Cult" though i had to shake my head when i heard the "religion is shit, religion is pish, religion is gay.... religion is wank, religion is poop i wish it'd go away!!" That horse died a long time ago Mr King. Stop fucking flogging it!!!! What happened to the OTHER topics in Slayer's lyrical bag? Surely they haven't ran out of Serial Killers and various Historical Tyrants? New topic: why does Kerry King's lyrics have to rhyme? (i'm assuming he did Cult though - but it tends to be the case). Oh, could Jake & Dan please just FUCK and get it over with!!! I'm sick of all this online foreplay.
  19. Aye... we were pished. You play right SHITE though Daz haha!!
  20. With bells on... assuming i ain't away with zee 'pact.
  21. I think his statement still stands.
  22. Ya know what... i don't actually have ANY Narcosis. I feel bad now realising it. shall sort that out this week. But never been much of a Bongzilla fan dude. Will check out that tune. EYEHATEGOD might be in order though.
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