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New Found Power

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Everything posted by New Found Power

  1. In an attempt to take someone else's daughter home with him?
  2. Amy IS 18, and tcake IS just a lame third-rate copy of Friendlybikerdude. END OF.
  3. Oh, gee whiz! Now we have the enviable ability to gain the respect of our peergroup by collecting points on the internet!! My goodness, what a novel and intellectual concept.
  4. "We are the jockeys, jockeys are we...we live underground in a fibreglass tree..."
  5. Haven't seen it, I'm too busy training to be a cage fighter.
  6. Sure it doesn't say "Hard Luck"? We demand photographic proof!
  7. The properties of Percocet, Tylenol and a million other prescription painkillers would alleviate the pain better, but this doesn't mean to say that we should all be popping them whenever the hell we feel like it. Saying "We should legalise cannabis for recreational use because it's useful for some medical treatment!" is a bit stupid, no?
  8. Firstly - Online petitions never achieve anything. Secondly - Anyone saying Dimebag couldn't/wouldn't/didn't deserve a Hall of Fame place is talking out of their arse.
  9. It's a bit, like, IDENTICAL to family guy. Alien=Brian Goldfish=Stewie Originality=what?
  10. You wha??? No wonder they're fucked up. But seriously, if something causes a chemically altered state of conciousness by it's use, you'd have to be a complete moron to assume there wouldn't be any lasting effect.
  11. What model is it? Any photos?
  12. I've always wondered how he managed to lie in a hospital bed unattended for almost a month without shitting or pissing in the bed. Damn you, plot holes!
  13. "Big Brother Holly's hot pool romp with bisexual siamese twins - EXCLUSIVE!" I'll see you in court.
  14. Schecter Blackjack 006 Jackson JJ-4 tuned to drop C Ibanez SR305DX 5-string Bass Line 6 Spider II 210 Amp - FOR SALE MXR Dime Distortion Boss Metalzone Distortion Korg Pedal Tuner And some sort of bass amp, as soon as I can afford it.
  15. That shop on George Street probably does, but it looks dodgier than a sackful of 6 notes.
  16. And also, that page includes the faked pictures made for the News of the World.
  17. ...Just in case you get jealous of Keira's birthday thread. You know how these wimmin get.
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