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New Found Power

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Everything posted by New Found Power

  1. Why, they ought to string him up, the blaggard!! Seriously, it's not "outrageous and offensive", it's just some thick-as-shit rich twat acting the arse. Hardly a rare occurence...
  2. Only in a vacuum....I think. Unless Robert Boyle's been lying to me from beyond the grave.
  3. It was pretty good, right up until the ending. The whole "crazed killer" thing was terribly clich, and Michael Keaton's death was just shitty. Seriously, the film that I made in my head during this film was so much better than the actual movie: "Following the death of his wife in a mysterious accident, wealthy architect Bruce Wayne discovers and becomes obsessed with the occurrance of Electronic Voice Phenomenon, or EVP. After setting up his own equipment to record these "voices from beyond", he begins to repeatedly hear the voice of his dead wife, urging him to avenge her death, fight crime and defend the city. Just at this moment, a huge bat flies through the window of his Manor house. Realising that he must strike fear into criminals, by nature a cowardly and superstitious lot, he dons the winged cape and mask, and becomes... The Batman!! I'm sorry, I just see Michael Keaton and think Batman....
  4. It was Uri going around Venice, telling some ghost stories while being melodramatic and putting on a stupid scary voice and stuff. Watch it, it's funny.
  5. Pfft, Tom was rockin' the man-thong before Cloud was even associated with thecontemptuous destruction of fashion as you know it.
  6. I can think of a handful, but I'm mainly thinking of myself.
  7. It's on again on Thursday, folks. Sky One Mix at 9PM. You all MUST see this.
  8. I think a more pressing concern would be: With all the money Diamond are supposed to save by only insuring women, how come they can't afford to have adverts that don't just look like shit?
  9. If that was an article in the Onion, it would be hilarious. As it is, it's hilarious AND worrying!!
  10. "The house...that keeeeeellllsss!!!" ...What the fuck was that all about? Seriously, was thismeant to be cringe-inducing, or what?
  11. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: If I could do that, I'd be out in a fucking Batman suit, busting heads.
  12. Try and squeeze any infectious material out of it, wash it with cotton wool and savlon in hot water and keep it covered with a dressing like a gauze bandage, or a big plaster.
  13. Can I squat in it, then you can sell it on when I'm done?
  14. Sweet motherloving christ in a pedal-powered flying machine, that's my Birthday. YES!!!
  15. I remember something funny happening to me the first (and I think only) time I was in the old Moorings toilets. Unfortunately, I can't remember what it was, I just remember it being funny and strange. they say the memory's the first thing to go....
  16. I paused Futurama to listen to THAT??? I'll kill you, bAsS MeKaNiK. with a "kNiFe."
  17. As already said, that's pretty heavy emotionally. I couldn't help noticing that it looks like one of Kane's wrestling promos, though.
  18. And again, BUMP. Surely someone wants it?
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