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eat your parents

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Everything posted by eat your parents

  1. I don't like how this thread has turned into people giving excuses why they haven't attended shows because of money, work commitments, battling seagulls etc. It's fine if people couldn't attend, nothing wrong with that whatsoever, but I think the real point that should be discussed is how to combat the reasons for negative turnouts, which have been identified already. The cd sampler is a good idea, but I think it should be more far reaching than just One Up. What about Peacocks, Retro Rebels, Fopp, some of the more individual coffee shops, Tunnels whenever you do a show there, Tom's, The Foyer etc. I think you should do a magazine as well, which people could pick up free and read about the future gigs, related articles etc. Snafu do this and even though I thought some of the content wasn't great, it did make an interesting point of finding out about the shows there. Trouble is the previous two ideas cost money... I think the Interesting Music chaps have done something I always believed should be achieved when putting on shows. People look forward to their gigs because it's an Interesting Music night, and not just because they've heard of the bands.
  2. Bill, Gavfest is a free festival, run by a guy called Gav and his friends. I think Lime mentioned it because Gav is very much looking for an electronica act to complete the line up. Last year, it involved a newly built stage, camping, bbq, nine bands with varying styles (including electro goth rock, stripped acoustic, art punk, pop, emo, and new wave), and an audience of near 200 people. It's good fun, honest! Alastair
  3. That's 80% of tickets sent out. More very soon!
  4. I sent out the first batch. Sorry it's taken a while. If you still haven't got yours, but you've emailed gavfest@hotmail.com, then don't worry, I'm working through all the responses. Alastair - Valentine Bitch -- GAVFEST 2: Party Monster 2005 -- SAT 20 AUGUST -- MILL OF URAS, STONEHAVEN -- Hookers Green No. 1, Filthpact, Masamune, Copy_Haho, Sweetheart, Popcorn Fiend, Project Ven Hell, Saint Maybe, Djisdaah, Doris/Mavis........more to be confirmed, maybe.
  5. Hey Mike, You need to email Gav at the Valentine Bitch warpmail address which is in this thread. He doesn't often check the boards. All the bands went through that to play. Al
  6. You don't know how happy that makes me. Glad that it looks on again for you guys.
  7. You be a good girl and give it back. Otherwise you're in TROUBLE!
  8. "Where's your wallet Rikki?!" That bastard made me miss nearly the entire NicenSleazy's show Q and Not U played, last time they were over. I almost went to see them in Prague as well. I've enjoyed their albums, they were a good band.
  9. Mon dieu!!!!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=43659&item=4742315651&rd=1 You can now buy Solid Gold on cd as well (which is apparently just as good as their debut Entertainment!)!!!! I'm off to bid on some Huggy Bear vinyl.
  10. Message from Al: Sorry kids, but I can no longer come. Next time for sure though.
  11. I like Saturdays. What's with this Sunday shit, ho ho... Joss and me will be along tomorrow. If I can I'll make Sunday as well.
  12. Is Pajo any good? I'm really interested in listening to that record. Misssion of Burma? Paper Chase? Mon dieu!! Good choices Currently highly rated on the listening box on death pod central: The Locust - Safety Second, Body Last Murder by Death - Like The Exorcist, But More... Peter Gabriel - Birdy Soundtrack Paper Chase - Hide The Kitchen Knives DJ Shadow - Endtroducing Huggy Bear - Weaponry Listens To Love
  13. Anyone help? I need part time work, damn.
  14. I'll be there this Saturday, I finally have time again. Go Team Death
  15. Kick Joss for me, I'll finally be back after my travels, next week. Go Team Hero
  16. That's the view to take laddy, that's the view. Considering we live off crippling other countries through debt, trade, sanctions, and of course we fucked up Africa when we took it for ourselves, but nevermind, we matter more. Berlin act 1884 I believe. History should be a leason, instead it's forgotten.
  17. Haha, fair point. I'll enjoy your penis when we finally go for that pint, upon my return. I still want to design a T-shirt though...
  18. I agree with Albarn completely. Thing is Geldof plays the media circuit very well, using emotive speeches, influencing sympathetic opinion, not that that hasn't been done before.
  19. Astounding, I was watching Wrath of Khan last night, but all the good bits were edited out so I turned off. That has made me feel warm inside once again!
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