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eat your parents

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Everything posted by eat your parents

  1. I'd been missing playing rugby until that.
  2. Zippertron and the Autobots vs. Got a maxi for Taxi?
  3. My friend has studied film, so for the last five years we've exchanged Top 200's. I'd be interested if other people are this sad, and what's made their all time great films.
  4. Has to be... On The Waterfront The Godfather Part II Magnolia Vertigo The Wicker Man I have to mention Fight Club and Croupier too.
  5. Haha, you're such a bitch Richard. If I didn't hate them so much I'd award you a scene point. I do think though that the Lemon Tree is good, and does offer some interesting events on at lunch times.
  6. "And that was the Police with 'Do do do, Da da da' their jibberish classic."
  7. Thanks Groovy, but watch out though, Maxi might pull out his claws. Yes I show ladies a good time in the back of a Vauxhall Astra "A" reg. I enjoy walks in the park, saving puppies and prowling shopping malls for the right sort of granny. So football this weekend? I want to get into Team Hero again... is it on?
  8. I always prefered Wurzel Gummidge. At least he could only pull out straw instead of a cock. Unic!
  9. I hear that that is an actual line up for a festival this year. I have a feeling that Gavfest is the place to go to see those bands
  10. Man, I can't wait, although it took me three days to recover from the last one. GO TEAM HERO
  11. eat your parents


    Man, it's about time something like this errupted. You'll have to give me a sample of music once you guys are writing, I'd be interested in hearing the destruction.
  12. I have some of their material that they recorded in Glasgow, amazing. Pre-Op Cop is the best song by any local band I've heard, and I frequently listen to their cd.
  13. No funny stuff, Joss. My dead aunt gave me that scarf and I've managed to wear it once... No funny stuff, and no dirty undies
  14. Come on Chelsea I want to see Joss' heart crippled, broken and full of despair. Joe Cole, the assassin. All the dude ever wanted was his scarf back...
  15. I have a lot of hate for all of you right now, ho ho. Squabbling about equipment? Get with the programme. This sort of thing puts me off music, and people... and Aberdeen *sigh* Why is there such an inherent need for criticism? I guess without a journalistic critique upon different mediums like music then there would be no refining or need to get better and excel, however this is beyond the ridiculous. This aggression won't stand, man.
  16. Just how ace are they? I say very ace indeed...
  17. Thanks Ross, much appreciated!
  18. This thread is comedy genius. Ollie and Les should be pickled then encased in preserving plastic, before being put on display outside at Storybook Glen. Well done. Amigos.
  19. I still think their best period was at the start of their career with the Car Wash Hair EP and Yerself is Steam record. Was it David Baker who was the other singer who left? What amazing lyrics. Chasing a Bee and Frittering are amazing. I really liked Deserter's Songs. It sounded very fragile and natural. Not so keen on the newer stuff.
  20. that's typically shite of you Stuart man, first post in months.
  21. Hi, I was trying to get in touch with the Reading Rooms however both contact numbers I have for there are either disconnected or wrong. Does someone have the venue's number, or have the number of a local label down there who I can talk to regarding shows? Thanks Al
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