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Everything posted by jester1470

  1. Yeah i used to regularly go and see them in Smarties with Guaranteed Pure about '92, '93. I've followed Ray ever since from the first recordings on tape (lost now sadly) to the Outpatients CD, straight through to his new solo CD which i still haven't got yet. It is a good version but i'd rather see him without Amanda to behonest. I believe Amanda is actually from Aberdeen. Cheers Stuart
  2. Does the site currently link into a website that doesn't exist, when i try to click on the link at the bottom of the page i get no page found. Cheers Stuart
  3. yep they're legends, saw them before and loved them. Cheers Stuart
  4. Mr Dougal liked me cos i was the best runner in the school at the time, those were the days, which daughter was it, if it was Rebecca, it shows my age thta she was in 2nd year when i left... Cheers Stuart
  5. Nope, when i was there it was Mr Woodman, Miss Gray, Mrs Bowie, and Bicket i think... Does Big Andy Gougall still run the PE department ? Top bloke Big Andy Cheers Stuart
  6. LOL has he not retired yet ? ah those werre the days, I loved latin and classical studies and so helpful in the real world Cheers Stuart
  7. Marillion's Curtain Call Queen's Live Killers Fish - Sashimi Eagles - Hell Freeze's Over Cheers Stuart
  8. I know its seen as 'dad' rock and bland by many of the cool people on here but I just got hold of the new Beautiful South Covers album and it's brilliant, interesting choice of songs and each one brilliantly done. I've always had a lot of respect for the BS as I think they write very clever pop songs but this album has turned me into a fan of the greatest hits into actually really wanting to explore the back catalogue. I also like the fact it's a really strange selection of songs and not the ones people usually cover. You're The One That I Want (Olivia Newton John and John Travolta/Grease Soundtrack) Living Thing (ELO) This Will Be Our Year (The Zombies) Ciao (Lush) Valentine (Willie Nelson) Don't Fear The Reaper (Blue Oyster Cult) This Old Skin (The Heppelbaums) Don't Stop Moving (SClub7) Til I Can't Take It Anymore (Ben E King) Rebel Prince (Rufus Wainwright) Blitzkreig Bop (Ramones) Stone In Love With You (Stylistics) I think even if you don't like the BS there may be something on here you'll like just because its so different and strange. And of course any album that has an ELO track can't be bad, one of the most underated rock bands in the UK. Cheers Stuart
  9. That's absolute bollocks, whereas its true probably a lot of them arent you can't say that. Do you know every person who claims to be homeless in aberdeen ? Cheers Stuart
  10. Erm, the reviewer can't completely miss the point, a review is a subjective thing, if thats the impression they gave the reviewer then thats what he said. Some people just don't like certain types of music. I've hear lots of reviews that I don't agree with a lot but i doesn't mean that they're wrong. Cheers Stuart
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