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Everything posted by jester1470

  1. True but most labels know what a release form is, and when asked why they never got release forms for their releases came up with something better than 'it's too much hassle'. The release will protect the label and the artist. Fair enough its a learning curve but there is research that should be done to protect the artist and the label before you start. This isn't a dig, more just I think that people will not look on SSR as a professional company until he has that kind of thing sorted. Cheers Stuart
  2. I've heard the recordings that you did of Contra and it was very, very good, however I think tht the whole exclusivity thing is a bit silly, I can't think of any other venue that does this. If you're worried abiout the quality of the tracks then why not make a contract with the stipulation that if the quality of mixing doesn't reach the standards that show the Moorings in a favourable light then they can't release it. Martin did a superb job on Emma's sound on Saturday possibly the best I've heard anyone do with her, and we would love the raw data of that recording to put into our own studio and tidy up and release, but we can't afford 100 a track. I know Martin's good at what he does but so's the guy we'd use and he knows and has worked with Emma so knows what we want. Very few bands will pay for it, and you're effectively shooting yourself in the foot, you've paid for this great recordiing setup and it was a great incentive to get bands to play the moorings, but not at those prices and with those rules. Touring bands will take their own engineer, what happens then ? you can't put this kind of exclusivity and more importantly that sort of price on band playing a venue the size of the moorings, that's pointless and counter productive. Still thats how I see it, still a damn good venue, the sound was brilliant but there's no way we'd pay that for any tracks. Another point that should be made is shouldn't the bands have a choice in what song's mixed ? If you decide to mix the songs by the lucky few what value to the bands is there if you mix a song thats old and not that representative of where the band is now. Cheers Stuart
  3. Erm can I request that all ashtrays and pillars be removed from the Malt Mill before anyone gets on stage These things appear to be dangerous if anywhere near singer/songwriters and i want a Scotland wide ban on pillars in venues !! Cheers Stuart
  4. Jo McCafferty and Emma Forman easily imho, then again I'm bias. But Emma writes phenomenal pop/rock songs and has a really nice voice. Jo is just an incredibly powerful singer with some of the best songs i'ver heard, mixed with some amazing stage presence. Cheers Stuart
  5. Possibly the best music related site I've seen in ages: www.queeble.com Cheers Stuart
  6. yep I'll probably buy it for charidee but I'm disappointed that this is going to wipe away the memory of the origiinal which was a great single of its time. I was disappointed that Midge and Sir Bob chose to be a part of it. I watched the documentary on the making of the original single the other night and it was a great achievement., this one seems like a bad idea because 20 years ago they used vocalists who could sing, this time they don't have time to correct the wailing of those who can't sing. Cheers Stuart
  7. After the comment by Betamax on the previous threads I was interested as to who in Aberdeen in your opinions could be musical geniuses. My one is someone no-one here knows probably but is the guy Emma and I are working on with the Baby Karma Project, he's an amazing producer, best guitarist I've ever seen, for anyone who's heard the stuff he did with Emma, he is phenomenal. He is multi-talented and is genuinelly one of the best and nicest guys I've ever met, his name is Blair Cunningham and he is phenomenal, and the only person I've met who is imho a musical genius. Cheers Stuart
  8. I find it really funny you'd say this after making comments about how well you'd done by getting played on Radio 1 and MTV2 etc. That is being successful in record companiy terms. surely. Yeah you'd have to be a complete 'shithead' to want to be able to do what you enjoy as a living, to be paid enough that you never have to worry and to be able to travel and do exciting things, why would anyone want that ?? Sounds a tad like sour grapes to me. I'm glad you feel you're successful, you are right to think that is the most important, but why bother to keep trying if you've achieved everything you want to achieve? i think to think everyone who's in your band are geniuses is laughable, if that were true then you wouldn't be able to keep the labels away whether you wanted them or not. Bands have to progress and move on to survive, thinking you're a genius is hardly going to encourage the learning of new things. Cheers Stuart
  9. Sadly all too late as Jo will no longer be here as of December, this is Fudge's last chance to honour the most successfull Aberdeen solo artist of the last few years, come on guys do the right thing, Rock Goddess award surely... Cheers Stuart
  10. http://www.thebays.com/ these guys are great drum and bass, they play live, never release albums and the drummer has played with massive attack and the spice girls if you join which is free you can download full shows. Great band, seen them live a few times, great guys too, Cheers Stuart
  11. Couldn't agree more, Mark Knopfler is one of the most unberated guitarists out there, a great band, was een thinking of going to see Mark Knopfler next year in Edinburgh. Cheers Stuart
  12. Totally agree' date=' can anyone think of an artist that has never recorded a bad track ? Yep, Queen are one of the all time great bands, as are the Beatles, whether you like them or think their music is overated is a different story but no-one on the planet can deny the influence these bands have had in shaping the music scene as it is today. Cheers Stuart
  13. Is there an acoustic category ? Cheers Stuart
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