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Everything posted by chilli

  1. John Peel rated them as his favouirite Scottish band in the mid/late 1990's Saw them 1995 in the Lemon Tree & we were completely bowled over They were an immense band & very under-rated. Christ I wish they were back now there's soo much bland-hype-pish about now in comparison.....
  2. well done for organising this Peacock Artspace does some terrific things & needs all the support it can get
  3. Mark has put a classic line-up together, I think it could be the best gig of the autumn (so far) 8-)
  4. Enjoy the moment.....being a long suffering Spurs fan, reality will bite
  5. funny old game......now Aussies being put in their place.....at long last
  6. did he have his usual bottle of red wine at hand
  7. with all the footie gloom facing the dons. very nice to see England bowlers doing the Aussie batsmen a good doing over. now 8down at lunch
  8. I'm with you kirkt Cortez the Killer was simply unflawed magnificence...... closely follow by Down by The River Can I recommend people check out Low/Dirty 3 "in the fishtank" version of Down by The River which is as good & certainly faithful to the original. Had Neil played Hurricane I'm sure the roof would have come off the tin shed Neil Young played Aberdeen
  9. thats the "spirit" will be full of awesome pleasure down in tunnel 1 tonight you have been told & I almost always fail the bullshit detector
  10. sorry........tickets WILL be available on the door Hen will confirm but I suppose 1st on 8.30ish (don't miss) & thereafter normal Tunnels timings so AC will be on just after 10pm. Please come & see the worthy local supports who will make the nights mucho added value
  11. Beggars Opera were a GREAT live band without doubt BBC R6 Freak Zone Sundays @ 5.30pm is your Christmas present early. check out their play list astonishing
  12. Aye the chef of that establishment was found to have mad cow disease which was hilarious....
  13. thats a good preview for a great live band. Their 1st show @ The Lemon Tree was superb & their last show at The Tunnels was pretty much astonishing.
  14. can anyone confirm the excellent supports, plus their links. I was told the very excellent Amber Pilots & Greater The Shadow were confirmed
  15. will be good to see some of the old IMP crowd there tonight........
  16. I was looking forward to that band called Marticians, oh well
  17. thanks again for those on aberdeen music who have signed this go in now & be no signature 6000
  18. nice to see some well known Aberdonianians on the list of signatures. Also spot some music & other celebs while you are there Come on folks getting your name on the petition http://www.petitiononline.com/MCvisit/petition.html Thanks
  19. u said that last time me thinks? they were simply brilliant last time
  20. Alan's Kitchen Cynics project is finished. Think he's having more fun playing live with other people in his other two projects. Well done Alan, Kitchen Cynics has been an inspiration to us all (Oldies rule ya bass)
  21. Please read this & sign the petiton otherwise more artists tours will be put in doubt & artists will head to Europe instead. You can have a moan here on AbMus but better still sign the petition New laws force Allison Crowe to cancel the first two dates of her European tour in Edinburgh and London this weekend after immigration officials at Gatwick airport locked up the Canadian singer-songwriter and her two bandmates after falling foul of new laws for people in the creative sector who travel to the UK for work. Implemented in November 2008, the Certificate of Sponsorship is a new measure that requires artists to obtain a unique reference number from at least one of the venues at which theyll be performing. Non-EU visitors must provide biometric data, fingerprint scans and a digital photograph in order to acquire this reference number, which they must then show upon entering the country or face deportation. Speaking to CBC News, an obviously upset Crowe told the reporter that they fingerprinted and photographed us and three hours later, roughly, trucked us over in a paddywagon to another building. And thats where we were kept for the remainder of the day, where we were interrogated and searched. She also said that her passport was stamped barred from entry by officials. Neither of the UK venues were aware of the new rules. The band were released after six hours but were sent all the way back to Canada only to return to mainland Europe to continue the tour in Germany, despite one immigration official allegedly telling Allison that she could face problems with working in Europe for the rest of her career. Allisons manager Adrian du Plessis told the Telegraph: Its crazy that Allison has the wear the scarlet letter for the rest of her days simply because she came to Britain to perform and didnt know about some strict new legislation. This will clearly influence the cultural traffic to this country but theres also a human element Allison is a Commonwealth citizen who did nothing wrong but was interrogated and treated like a criminal. More than 5750 signatures against the new legislation have been collected by protest organisation the Manifesto Club. Add yours Visiting Artists and Academics Petition
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