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Everything posted by KarmaTsunami

  1. I like your playlists flights. I like 'em a lot.
  2. Thisy this this this WILD FLAG – Wild Flag
  3. There's a woman that wanders around town (once on union street but I've been stopped by her near the College as well) who gives a realistic sob story about how she's just gotten out of an abusive relationship and is waiting to hear back from a women's shelter about a room/bed and just needs some change to get some food since she had to leave everything at her old flat/house. The first time I hear this I was dubious but gave her some change anyway since for all I know she was telling the truth. It really, REALLY fucked me off on so many levels when I saw her again a few months later spouting the same old story.
  4. Que? Does this mean that people shouldn't take Formula 1 seriously unless they've done a few laps at Silverstone in one of Ferrari's cars themselves? Sport's a social thing, whether you take part or not.
  5. I'm just going to bung songs I like into a playlist and give it some bullshit theme in the future. Sticking to any theme I give myself equals a playlist I'm not overly happy with. I would also like to recommend this album. Fence Records have been plugging a play they got on BBC6 Music all over twitter so I gave it a listen and it's nice Saturday morning/day/afternoon/evening listening. The Shivers – More
  6. Will have to wait til 20th to get a weekend ticket, but I've got it off work! Yaldy!
  7. I had Jobs I don't think I'll do this next year. I feel like a total dick when someone on my list dies.
  8. Well, the PhD is marginally closer to being finished but I'll be making some major headway before Christmas. Fitness wise I've started jogging and eating more sensibly, as a result I'm feeling healthier and looking better. As for publishing, I had a massive creative drought and as such didn't get much written, but I have had a piece accepted by Brittle Star and have stuff sent off to New Writing Scotland and Gutter. I've also remained sensible with my money. My aim by the end of the year is to have a working draft of my ENTIRE PhD as opposed to just two chapters and a bunch of poetry, and actually go on a date.
  9. It just wasn't my cup of tea. It wasn't terrible or anything, just did nothing for me.
  10. I stumbled across this through a 'recommends' column on another website. I like it, and I'm going to have it stuck in my head for a few hours. Also, WHY HAS NOBODY POSTED THIS YET? It's actually amazing. Sorry if someone has posted it. I'm pretty sure they haven't though.
  11. They were pretty much just chocolate covered pretzels. Wee bite sized ones. They were amazing. Then they were gone. You used to get a white chocolate version as well.
  12. Fuck all this. Bring back Chocolate Pretzel Flipz. I was so fucked off when they just disappeared. I should have taken a fucking pallet of them home from the States.
  13. I'll be entirely honest, I don't know if I can be bothered writing up a big review. Suffice to say, I greatly enjoyed Girls & Boys by surfer_rosa although initially I was a bit wary since the list was full of artists I don't normally listen to or would list as ones that I like. I was pretty surprised. In particular I really enjoyed the Aphex Twin track. I liked the juxtaposition of strings with the scattershot beats. I wasn't too keen on the Siriumoso track which was not bad, but just didn't do anything for me. The Beck track definitely didn't annoy me in the way that some Beck tracks definitely do. The Girl Unit track was ace as well. The rest of it was a winner. Closing with the Boyz Noize mix of Feist's 'My Moon My Man' was a good move. Love that track and really like the mix of it as well. Good stuff!
  14. Off for a fair few days now besides the Denis Law event I'm working tomorrow so will get a review of surfer_rosa's mix up before too long! Enjoying it so far though!
  15. I went through a phase of just listening to this song over and over again. Also, LEONA.
  16. Kylie Minogue. Always Kylie Minogue. Look, here are some videos! I saw her live and she was waaaay better then I thought she was going to be. Vocally that is. I'd heard reviews from other gigs that said although the show itself was fantastic her vocals weren't that strong live and she audibly struggled during tracks like 'I Believe in You' but when she did that one in Glasgow she really slowed it down and turned it into a proper ballad. Knocked it out the park .
  17. Hooray! That sounds like a fucking great weekend! My ace-ic is getting £20 from my Papa out of nowhere! Might go to the cinema tomorrow...
  18. Done. Jesus wept. That took longer than it had any right to.
  19. They've also been denied travel visas so, more likely than not, this isn't going to happen.
  20. Argh, not even done yet. Stupid work at the weekends. I'll get on it and pass it on to Mr Owl ASAP. sufer_rosa, IGNORE MY PM.
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