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Everything posted by KarmaTsunami

  1. I missed the fact that Screaming Females had an album out this year. It's pretty bloody good.
  2. Not sure about the 'nothing with a face' blog, but Wendy's is ace! Cheers!
  3. Resurrecting this thread to ask if anyone wants to share some recipe based sites/blogs with me? Looking specifically for stuff that's healthy/veggie/vegan i.e The Post-Punk Kitchen but with measurements in...normal...I can convert the amounts from US sites but I'd like to know if there are any UK based ones. CHEERS!
  4. This is really very good. I'm going to have these songs stuck in my head all day. Dengue Fever – Cannibal Courtship
  5. Fucking not being able to write anything. Writers block. Arsetits.
  6. I blame being all mixed-out at that point. I'd constructed a really fucking awesome mix. In my defence, it was for a girl and therefore merited a higher level of diligence.
  7. I could have probably varied my mix a little. Thrown some Kylie on there or something. I'm on a big 90's sounding indie kick at the moment which is why it's the more dominant sound on the playlist. Patti Smith is always ace but I just finished 'Just Kids' which is about her time in NYC with Robert Mapplethorpe before they hit it big so I've been listening to her a fair bit. Hence the inclusion.
  8. Congrats on the engagement Phil! Hope you find a way to keep the costs down. Lucky - cinemas on a weekday can be pretty great. I loved working when it was really quiet as most staff would just pick a film, stand at the top of the ramp and watch most of the film. Bit unfortunate if your radio went off though. I remember New Years Eve being really quiet, all the last showings were nearly empty and we were still out of there by 9pm. My ace-ic news for the day is my trip down to Edinburgh this weekend. I think I've mentioned it before but I'm pretty excited about it so I'm mentioning it again. Excited because there's a pretty lady involved. Who makes an excellent mix cd.
  9. I seem to be able to get onto the site now. Not sure who my ISP is, but fuck if they didn't take an age to update their DNS servers or whatever the fuck was wrong. Anyway, here's my review: So, I enjoyed the mix I received from Paranoid Android with the snappy title A Mix About Nothing. Thee Oh Sees - Enemy Destruct - Nice and noisy! Initially I wasn't sure about the vocals but they grew on me and I liked that they were more experimental sounding than the actual music which was kind of indie, kind of garage rock. If I heard it on the radio I wouldn't be able to say if it was contemporary or something from the late 70s! Next up, pop music! Florrie - Experimenting With Rugs - This made me listen to more by Florrie. I enjoyed it. It made me want to dance. I want to request this on my big gay night out next weekend since based on the title alone it should be a lesbian dancefloor anthem. Nice pop music. The Other People Place - Let Me Be Me - If LCD Soundsystem tried minimalism. It's a catchy wee track. The kind of thing I listen to when I go through phases of listening to electronic music. I should point out that I can't write about hip-hop without resorting to hyperbole, so I'll just say that I really fucking liked Outkast - Da Art of Storytellin' (Part 2) and that Big Boi's flow is insane. British Sea Power - Please Stand Up -I've always been a bit 'eh' about British Sea Power but I really like this track and now I'm not sure why I've always been a bit 'eh' about them. It's nice, the vocals are well good too. Then it gets really good. You wouldn't think I write about music would you? Anyway, next up was Pantha Du Prince - Eisbaden - I like Pantha. Good stuff. Minimalist, but with enough going on to retain your interest and make it more than just background listening. I haven't listened to this album in a while. Girls Aloud - Wake Me Up - I fucking love a bit of Girls Aloud. I'm going to listen to this when I'm getting ready to go out. I also now know that if I make another mix for Paradroid I'm sticking a bunch of pop music on it. The Roots - Don't Feel Right - I like The Roots anyway, so I like this song. Maimouna Youssef's vocals are great. AraabMUZIK - Streetz Tonight -Not what I'd normally listen to, but I like it. Nice and dreamy with a good beat. I was worried it was going to get all ned-dance-music but then I remembered who made the mix and then the song didn't do that and I was happy. Deerhoof - Fresh Born - I was expecting something a bit more mental, maybe verging on annoying so this was a nice change of pace. Oh wait, there it is after 30 seconds. Just a bit weird sounding though rather than annoying. I don't think I've listened to this Deerhoof album. Nadia Oh - Taking Over The Dancefloor - Hrm. Wasn't taken with this song but the beat is pretty catchy. I'm going to have this stuck in my head for fucking days. And last but not least, Kendrick Lamar - HiiiPower - I like it. I like the beat, the rhythm, a'hin. Overall, a solid mix. Wasn't sure about the jump from hip-hop to guitar rock to minimalist electro, but fuck it. It was good to get something eclectic.
  10. Right. Finished my mix last night and the theme I went with was 'Girls, girls, girls'. So hopefully Parandroid likes it. PMed!
  11. I don't mind a wee bit of mayo in a sandwich, but I'm pretty fussy about just how much. BBQ sauce and Sweet Chilli sauce are both the best. Sweet Chilli sauce especially.
  12. I want to rep you for only wanting to cause her vehicle minor damage.
  13. Currently reading Patti Smith's 'Just Kids' and it is as good as everyone kept telling me it would be. She's currently turning it into a screenplay so just like always folks, read the book before you see the film! That way you can be annoyed when it doesn't look like it did in your head.
  14. Like, songs with winter in the title or songs that make you feel wintery? How abstract can I be with the theme?
  15. I don't know if I can come up with a good theme. I'll try though. I'll try my hardest.
  16. First Listen: WILD FLAG, 'WILD FLAG' : NPR
  17. This could go in the rediscovery thread, but about once a year I go through a patch of listening to this album over and over again because it's just amazing. AMAZING. Tapestry by Carole King on Spotify
  18. You don't look cool, but you definitely are cool. People who don't pick up their dog's poo when it's in an area where people can stand on it or kids play are just arseholes.
  19. I heart this film. It's between this and Annie Hall for my favourite Woody Allen film.
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