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Everything posted by KarmaTsunami

  1. Surf and turf! What a winning combination. I tip my peasant hat to you Sire!
  2. I used to listen to 'Blue and Yellow' off their first album and mope around my room about girls. I still do that, but now I listen to Neko Case and drink at the same time.
  3. Even if they don't contribute as directly to eating disorders they certainly don't do anything to help people who are already predisposed to having eating disorders or another manifestation of body image problems. Certainly not as black and white as I made it out to be though, you're quite right to point that out.
  4. Here's what would have probably been on a mix I gave to someone when I was 16/17 I Was One Of Those by Lesley Dickson on Spotify
  5. Ah, the best kind of find! I've stumbled across tons of old tapes and CD mixes and wondered why on earth I thought some of those songs were any good. Remember Box Car Racer? By jove, they were shite.
  6. Last Of The Country Gentlemen by Josh T. Pearson on Spotify This is now on my favourite albums of 2011 list. It hasn't knocked the Wild Flag album off the top spot. Nothing is going to knock that off the top spot. It was made for the top spot. It's so fucking good.
  7. 30 Rock is fucking ace. I've not watched the 5th season yet, but I will. Oh yes. I will. Making mixes for people is ace.
  8. I have the option of two answers: A. Even if the girl was morbidly obese it still depresses me to see people talk about weight in negative terms since it contributes so much to eating disorders in women, alongside what they see in the media. So it's not a debate I'd take part in. B. No. I'm grateful because obviously I'm not missing much. Anyway, being a lesbian is pretty ace. Boobs.
  9. This is one of those times I'm really grateful that I'm a lesbian.
  10. I haven't listened to these guys in years. Super fun! They Came From The Shadows by Teenage Bottlerocket on Spotify
  11. This is just ace. Kind of shoe-gaze-pop-wave stuff. I reckon a fair few folk on here will enjoy it. Hearts by I Break Horses on Spotify I reviewed a single from this album earlier this year. It's kind of disjointed but in a way that works. It's sparse in places, sounds like the soundtrack to a quirky french film in other places, and has rather lovely vocals threaded throughout. Excerpts by Ensemble on Spotify
  12. Yeah, it's something like ten hours of free music...is it a week? A month? It went down drastically anyway. Then there are those cunting adverts. But I realised I'm getting paid monthly now so it would be lunacy not to pay 4.99 a month and get rid of the time limit/ads.
  13. I have replied! Hopefully with helpful stuff since I know marginally more about computers than I do about guitars.
  14. Just signed up for Spotify Unlimited since it's only 4.99 a month. All the music. Ace.
  15. Can't be arsed re-reading the whole thread to see if this one has been done, but... Picking something up and putting it down again in a shop, only once you've looked at the price tag and realised it's too expensive. Mostly applies to clothes, especially if you've walked past everything else as if that sweater/coat/pair of jeans you've just picked up and shat yourself at the price of was the only thing you came in for. Also, trying to figure out the most discreet way to un-wedgie your underwear in a place with minimum privacy.
  16. The first ever gig you ever attended. This would be Smashing Pumpkins at the SECC in 2000 on the Machina tour. It was pretty great. Some band called The Catherine Wheel supported? I got in halfway through their set and al I could think was 'Crikey, that's loud!'. I pouted a bit when they did the acoustic version of 'Today' but the rest of the set was really good. The best ever gig you ever attended. Front and centre for Sleater-Kinney in a packed Oran Mor in 2006. Best fucking thing ever. It just edges out Deftones at the Barrowlands in 2003 and Biffy Clyro at the Lemon Tree for a BBC Evening Sessions gig that topped a day where I'd skipped school to see the band do an instore for the release of 'Blackened Sky'. Those are my three top ones, and that's not including massive gigs like Kylie at the SECC or Bjork at Connect. FUCK. I almost forgot, Explosions in the Skys at Drummonds. But I was working behind the bar so didn't get to enjoy it as fully as I'd have liked, but a chap in a Pedro the Lion t-shirt did try to chat me up. Bless. The worst ever gig you ever attended. Nothing immediately springs to mind. Saw some shocking local bands when I was in school. I remember going to see some dodgy nu-metal band called Defenestration at Lava, they were a bit guff.
  17. Their first album was pretty good and they were great when I saw them at the Lemon Tree with some no-namers supporting. Cliffy Byro or some nonsense? But seriously, good first album.
  18. So the university has decided I owe them 1200 so I'm selling a few things to try and raise money towards this. I know the square root of fuck all about guitars. But I have a Black Squire Strat electric guitar, stand and starter amp for sale. I don't know how much it originally cost since it was a Christmas present, but I think I played it twice and it never left the house so it'll still be in 'As New' condition. So PM with offers. A Husky Mini-Fridge, well used but still in good condition. 50 - can deliver depending on my Dad's mood/availability. An ACER Aspire 5610 laptop. I got a new netbook a couple years back since this started overheating. I also can't find the power-cable but pretty sure it's kicking about somewhere, however since I can't guarantee this I'll say 100 and again, can deliver. I'll chuck an old laptop bag in as well. Go on, you know you want this stuff as much as I want your money.
  19. Watched the first two episodes of The Killing this evening and if I wasn't working a massive twelve and a half hour shift tomorrow I'd probably stay up all night watching the rest since it seems fucking great. Also, Sofie Grbl = <3 Also, Sofie Grbl's knitwear = <3
  20. Watched Super tonight as well after buying it yesterday. I don't know quite what to say about it since the ending made me cry and forget any feelings I had before that. Rainn Wilson was eerily affecting as a narrator. All in all, I really enjoyed it although I found myself laughing at bits then wondering if I should have laughed. Like the bit where Frank's vomit reconstitutes itself into Sarah/Liv Tyler's face. That probably shouldn't have been as funny as it was considering the really disturbing...am I right in calling it a rape scene? Definitely non-consensual..sex scene that came before it. Anyway. That whole scene just encapsulates how odd that film made me feel in places. Definitely worth watching though. The premise will get it compared to Kick-Ass but it hits totally different emotional notes. I'm giving it 4/5 stars. I also watched Kaboom. I felt a lot less conflicted about this film. It's one of the best films I've watched in a while. To sum it up, a group of attractive and mostly queer college kids run around having sex with each other trying to solve a mystery involving a cult and the end of the world. There is also a really good soundtrack, the effects are wonderful for what they are and the whole thing is just a bit camp without being silly about it. Loved it. 5/5 stars.
  21. Paying off 95% of my credit card. Yaldy.
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