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Everything posted by Tav

  1. Tav


    I think you read it wrong, I know you get flat ones. I think I'll just do it all myself, cut out the shape on finger board...wire up some LED's but a little bit of shaped plastic over it in a cool colour...put in a 555timer to get it too flicker too lol. Maybe a bird shape like a PRS....mmmm
  2. Tav


    The LED's are not only flat topped but can come in shapes....e.g the W on the top of a warwick bass. You can have them along the side too I think from some companies. I just want something at the 12th fret...custom jobby.
  3. Tav


    Aslong as they still have time for us!
  4. If you wanna not get lost then how about more trebly sound froma single coil...e.g installing a push pot which splits your bridge humbucker...giving you a tone to stand out. The EQ pedal would work in same way, raising both volume and changing EQ...pretty sure Dan Atom uses one? Seymore Duncan pick-up boster if you wanna be fancy...6Db to 25Db boost with 3 EQ shapes...see latest Guitarist mag for review
  5. Yeah lack of site/phone is causing probs for me. We'll be there at 5. Hoping for another band.
  6. Awww I hope someone can step in, be lonely with just 2 bands...
  7. It's cool for equipment as I spoke to other band...time for soudnchecks?
  8. Hey I got my this website working again...shame to hear about The Reletives...I'd still like some info from the above questions, cheers. Tav
  9. If I were you I would take the money and add your own to it over time and get something really nice rather than another mudget bass. I don't believe a west field would be a signficant step forward or backward. Why not wait and scrimp...you'll end up saving money in the long run and you will also have the satisfaction of getting it finally.
  10. Rock...? Catchy buy not poppy...not punky...more interesting than pop...I dunno just have to go see
  11. Tav


    yip that's the ones you want, I'll be having it done to my next bass once I save up.
  12. Drums would be ace, I always jump on Scott's for a blast...I might ask him to teach me some stuff cause I think I could get a hold of some stuff.
  13. Finger picking style on acoustic guitar...and I am at xmas I should get guitar
  14. Why does it sound crap can you describe the crappyness?
  15. You can give me a lift in that case...
  16. Ohh well I should have said strat type bodies...still well done...that colour is by Tokai and it's another one of their great copies.
  17. Well Batman you got 2 out of 3 right. So it appears you know your stuff...the one you didn't get was there to throw you...it isn't made by fender...how easy it is to mix brands up bassed solely on shape
  18. So Mr Your All Amatures you don't know...because there are some pretty obvious features.
  19. Ok let's try some shall we And don't call me an amature Tell me what models of guitars these are...
  20. Tav

    Empty Sky!

    It's cool...chasing ghosts or down and more my jobbies...
  21. Yeah well it's like trying to tell the difference been a mex and US strat without seeing the headstock...at least we were pretty close...you know where you can stick your egg
  22. I think there's a signed white Epi LP in RandB now...by Thin Lizzy...not Atom...
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