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Everything posted by Tav

  1. Yeah could be you need the bridge adjusted if it hasn't been since you bought it. Hardly any guitars come set up properly out of the box.
  2. The same guy is selling
  3. Firstly, it has a body refinish in blond nitro. Re-finish and not only that it's been done improperly...there's no way I'd pay the asking price for it.
  4. Maybe it needs re-set up or Some heavier strings? What are you using on it just now?
  5. I suppose it just means they can have good sound with all the knobs at only 2?
  6. Tav

    Guitar Straps

    No it doesn't...I mean low slung to a degree is cool...<James Hetfield>. I suppose everyone has their idea of what looks cool I am just pointing out that wearing it REALLY low down adversly affects your playing and can lead to possible health problems.
  7. Tav

    Guitar Straps

    Ok get a cheap strap and some thickish thread <shoe lace> and put it through the hole on the strap and around the strap pin on your bass? Dunno why people insist on having their guitar at insanely low levels all it's doing is making it harder to play, possibly damaging your back and wrists...
  8. Morley pedals turn on when you press them down as they don't have a button to depress, nor do they use the usual mechanical method like a vox. I would like to buy a wah pedal sometime in the future but I'll have to try them all out first. Does anyone own a Morley here, what you think of it?
  9. Tav

    Guitar Straps

    Did you ask in RandB, they have XXL and XL too as Elliot was showing me some a while back. I am sure Leckie of Gillman Street knows a thing or two about long straps...
  10. From the gibson site Body: Top wood: Carved maple Back wood: Solid mahogany Binding: Multi-ply white/black on top and back
  11. Tav


    Who/what else you got?
  12. Tav


    What kind of heavy?
  13. No trem arm? Don't be silly now.
  14. I heard it, cool being on the radio. Some vocals might have been cool in places, it's a pretty cool piece of music...especially the heart beat style bit near the start.
  15. Make sure to load the van properly. I believe someone had some tips on this posted up a while back. Heavy sturdy stuff at the bottom, breakables on top. Don't pile it above level of seats <some vans have a cage serarting the cargo and cab parts> because if you crash it will all come flying forward and smack you in the head...killing...or injuring you...serious shit! Same goes when putting stuff in the back of a car. Distribute the load evenly over the axles. Evenly distributed load is going to make the van handle alot better and it will be alot safer...bit like loading a caravan.
  16. wooops I have SG on the brain as I am sitting playing mine now, I meant to type sig*
  17. And an explorer for the recording of the last album... Jamesy did you not have a fender bass? Are you not wearing a girly t-shirt in one of your gallery photos...are you not little too? My god...Jamesy is a little fender owning girl...? ^ Just kidding around...insulting fenders...not on. I wouldn't go for his sig model you'd be be better getting the model it's based on then changing pick ups to suit but then again if you really like him then owning the sig model would be sweet! I must say the colour is pretty cool.
  18. JB at bridge and the Jazz <based on 59 Les Paul bucker> are featured on the new LTD Mustaine guitar and apprently are great for the whole metal/shred sound aswell as offering good clean tones.
  19. Well I shall try out the pro sound music and see about prices and what kind of gaurnentee they can give me. If anything happens to the beutiful ol' SG I don't wanna be left with a broken guitar and an apology.
  20. Hmmm so both take ages from what I can see...not really a problem but any more opinions would be great.
  21. Great...but what about the repair services this thread is concerned with?
  22. Do these shops have such services, I am sure they do? Has anyone had any dealings with them, if so what was the service like?
  23. Ibanez Soudn Gear Serises www.ibanez.com Check out the site and their ranges. The SG serises offers lots of tonal shaping and great playability. The thin necks are a joy to play. I have have an SG300 and I love it to peices, should be around your price bracket. Active electronics allow for a variety of different tones from thundering bass to that pop and slap sound alot of people like. Plenty of room for digging under the strings at the body end but slender enough at the neck for ease of playability. If you are looking for something more rough and ready their SRX serises should do the trick.
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