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Everything posted by Tav

  1. Pearl Jam and AIC Jar Of Flies CD currently.
  2. but 100+ bass hardcase...worth more than your soul surely.
  3. 40 Two 1liter bottles of stella and a bass hardcase worth over 100...
  4. 40 and two 1liter bottles of Stella.
  5. Tav

    computer for sale

    Ahh you crack me up kind of. Well I'd be interested provided it's in full working roder. My monitor for the old PC only shows 3/4 of the picture and I wanna use that PC for doing some typing when someone is on this beast.
  6. Do they? Bet Steve Vai and Joe Satriani don't agree with that lol
  7. I think like any guitar it depends on the specific guitar. Obviously they are going to be made to a high standard but just because they cost 2000+ doesn't mean they are all going to be fantastic. Wood is such an inconsistant material that finding a guitar that sounds brilliant is a lucky dip...though having high standards of build and finish is going to signifcantly improve the chances. I should think that paying money for a quality guitar is a worth while investment but for that money you can get better...
  8. They still aren't cheap. Bruce Millars have a nice ES355 Dot and Tele by Tokai. The tele sounded great, really bassey and round or as twangy as you like! Though the action wasn't brilliant but when do guitars ever have great action in the shop? I think it was 800 but is was reduced by more than 100 I think to about 600 and something...<wants>
  9. Tav

    computer for sale

    If he buys it would you sell the monitor seperatly, I need one for the old PC?
  10. How much was it new and what's the model number are there any pictures?
  11. Tav


    yeah but not exactly a guitar suited to playing seated.
  12. Yeah cold_spoon@hotmail.com
  13. I would be interested in seeing the bass amp as I wouldn't mind something cheap that I could use for gigs aswell perhaps. The HH at drakes is cool to play. Would it be possible to arrange to see the amp or even take it to Capt Toms or Exile for a blast? I'd pay for room hire of course.
  14. I take it the Maine Head unit is a bass head? If so what's it got? Feauters/out put wise? How many speakers does the HH cab have?
  15. Tav

    Cymbal Query!!

    Well Scott's a gear head but he's a Zildjian user/fan
  16. Tav


    good cause I would quite like one and I spend most of my time sitting down playing.
  17. Tav


    What's an Explorer style guitar like to play sitting down?
  18. Hmm I dunno but valve amps have lethal voltages in them so I wouldn't go in. Once you turn them off there's still voltages lurking around.
  19. Blond Nitro is a grand finish, nothing wrong with it at all.
  20. Refinish takes of value...especially if it hasn't been done right like in that example.
  21. It's not original...it's had work done...badly!
  22. Tav


    If I knew any of those bands then I might have been interested <whaps on kazaa>
  23. My bass had appauling intonation when I bought it. An hour with a tuner and a screwdriver had that fixed though. If your buying a guitar that's costing near 1000 you'd think they would take the time to give it a good set up.
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