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Everything posted by Tav

  1. Could I have some suggestions for some humbucker pick-ups that work well for a full on rock assult and are capable of producing equally good clean sounds aswell. Super distortion picks-ups and such like should not apply. Must also look right. No plastic EMG style covers, no chrome Les Paul style covers...they would be replacing the humbuckers on my Santa SE II. I would also like something that works well being coil tapped. I have looked at various Seymour Duncan descriptions but nothing really stands out and I am not very familiar with other companies products. Thanks for the suggestions in advance.
  2. Tav

    meet the band

    guitarists = pretentious/attention seeking See that's why I prefer playing guitar to bass...
  3. Tav

    meet the band

    If you invert the colours she's having her hair done?
  4. Hybrid Slinky Stainless Steel 45-65-85-105 Bit different from normal 45's. 50 - 110 don't really come in a packet by Ernie ball...as regulars are 50 - 105
  5. Pfft...at least I can incorporate a different feature into my playing rather than being limited by a stop tail...
  6. It might be important to some. Personal preference I guess. I love an old Start, Tele or LP with an aged finished...like Mike McCreedy's from Pearl Jam...what a nice looking strat.
  7. Cost over 100 new. Sell for 60ono. Fender style black with white piping. Dark purple fur interior. Neck support and box for spares. Lightly worn but in all round great condition, very solid case that will offer so much more protection than a gig bag.
  8. I went down to sound control in Dundee for it. 399 with a really good padded gig bag. They had a few blue w/ blue head stock and another red w/ black head stock. They are a nationwide chain so getting one in the colour you want would not be hard. I managed to do a deal and got mine for 379 (I bought two guitars that day so I thought a deal had to be had) which is insane as the RRP was already 659! Check out www.soundcontrol.co.uk
  9. At least you can put a modern one on any surface without fear of disolving the finish though.
  10. I bought an SE II with a tremolo today. It's got a sweet low action and it plays great for the money.
  11. Tav

    practice places

    Toms is good. Good equipment, reasonable price and good service.
  12. Obviously but that doesn't stop the more expensive guitars occasionally not living up to their price tags...that was my point not all PRS's are going to be brillaint, amazing and awe inspiring guitars.
  13. Signature equipment that costs more is a farce...but the fact those people play them does mean shit...
  14. The fact that Steve Vai and Joe even strap them on is a huge selling point without them being in Ibanez adverts or spinning stuff to guitar mags. The fact that any proffesional player choses to use them is a selling point aswell.
  15. It's "that yellow" colour
  16. Yeah but why would they play shite guitars...dumbass! They will most likely have been Ibanez users before becoming endorsee's.
  17. Blonde...nitro is just the clear coating on top. Looks good when applied properly though prone to wear...rubber guitar stands for example will destroy a nitro finish.
  18. They endorse aswell as play Ibanez guitars...
  19. Can't go wrong there, especially with the second one!
  20. Yeah he does and what would your point be...he also plays an original 1960's Gibson SG with a bigsby...woopah! What kind of Les Paul do you have? There's nothing girly about a strat...just like there's nothing girly about an LP...buy both and get the best of both worlds...sorted!
  21. I don't know if they use toms?
  22. Neither do I, hence why I am trying to get rid of it lol.
  23. They make inexpensive guitars...so for the money they might be good? I think you need to try and find some RRP's on the net for that guitar though...
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