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Everything posted by Tav

  1. Second hand is always good, I needed a 5 string to use in my new band and I managed to pick up and tanglewood Rebel 5K from Jordan for 80. Active, 5 strings, looks decent and plays really well...other than that you can check out www.soundcontrol.co.uk and they have some cheap ones for like sub 200.
  2. Tav

    ze EP

    So whatever it is...can I get a copy?
  3. Re: Re: The rest of September at Dr Drakes! Damn Right.
  4. Tav

    and so....

    500 isn't alot for a guitar at all...dream or not. The PRS Santana is cool, good name for not too much money. Looks really nice in silver.
  5. Mehhhh see it's all the usual things "so and so is 4 times faster" what does it matter when IE is already pretty speedy, I extra few nano seconds doesn't make much difference.
  6. Tav

    bass strings

    I'll keep that in mind...as for tuning down I bought a 5 string...ronk.
  7. 11min 22 second version of "Chasing Ghosts" by Black Atom that appears on their latest EP...sheer class.
  8. Works fien for me. Why do peopel insit on using other programmes such as Mozilla? Is it really that much better, does it really make that much difference?
  9. I saw it on the website...I want a copy lol!
  10. Tav

    ze EP

    Well I was in a few days ago and bought one as someone borrowed by first one and haven't given it back. So I got bored waiting and got a new one...there were a few left in the local band bit at the singles section. Is there any chance someone from Atom could make a copy of "like disco never happened" to replace my uber scratched copy for me? PLEASE!?
  11. You should def. go for some Master/Justice era Metallica!
  12. Which is also my Bass now...cheers Jordan
  13. He looked like he was enjoying himself alot lol. Atom rocked though I wish the set had been a little longer. Black McSabbath were cooll, didn't really know many of the songs but the ones I did I enjoyed. I think it was Rass that pointed out that they were better at the Ozzy songs which is prob. true...the guy certainly had the Ozzy act down to a tee...overall damn fine gig.
  14. Yeah well here's some raunchy Tav's bass porn...
  15. I played a TNT 115 once and thought it was ok. The Firebass 700 at toms is a fine amp head!
  16. Tav

    bass strings

    Rotosounds are fine they are on my bass just now and I play between Dropped C and Standard with the two bands and they serve me well. Might get Ernie Ball Hybrids next, they were really nice last time. Thick gauges than usual at the bottom end so tuning down is easier.
  17. Based on the simple fact it looks kinnda funny/silly
  18. Put the head on the larger cab and move the purple cab onto a chair or something...looks like the wierdest stack ever at the moment....still...purple and cool.
  19. Chasing Ghosts but Fight Not One grew on me really quickly and Down is always good to hear...any chance of getting a copy of the old CD from anyone?
  20. Could have checked tonight I was there. I think I walked into your practice starting to get my zip-up.
  21. Tav


    Worth the money? <how much are they btw?>
  22. Tav


    I have heard of and seen an E-bow but never in action. Sound interesting, what exactly does it do and how?
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