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Everything posted by Tav

  1. Good on you. I've been interested in doing it for ages. I've got so many things I want to try out this summer pedal wise.
  2. I thought about a lot of bands and realised for one reason or another it would be better to be a fan than in the band... I think doing bass for someone like Alanis Morissette would be cool. Maybe a side project of famous bands that didn't ultimately become a famous touring band its self, like Mad Season. Eyes adrift...or whatever Curt Kirkwood does next...he should def. short list me for any bass duties in future. I dunno I prefer the idea of being in something new...I couldn't say someone like Pearl Jam...cause without Jeff Pearl Jam just wouldn't be the same.
  3. Hurrah indeed! Could you PM me when you get details so I can whore it about in an almost Hog-esque fashion?
  4. They have the bottom Tele in RnB's just now I believe...lush!
  5. I got the rack for my Ashdown today. It's looking pretty good I think. It does still need a rack tuner to top it off. Currently I have a rather cool vented grill to fill the empty rack space. Hopefully get a photo of my rather modest "rig" soon.
  6. withinthesewalls would be up for it. We've started going about getting gigs again and would like to keep the momentum up after the Malt Mill and Imagine. Lots of new material and we could play a really strong set. If your interested let me know and I'll check with the drummer to see if he's free to bring the rock. We've got hard working covered, I think we're talented and we are working on becoming more popular...I think thats most of the bases covered? Cheers.
  7. Aye good banter and one of those gigs where people are all willing to help out. I even managed to grab a lone of a tuner for a while which was cool. It makes the night a lot more enjoyable when the other bands are approachable/helpfull. I think it helped that a lot of people knew each other as well.
  8. Appears that the concept of the television advert is paying off then...
  9. We'll be using the 50 for some live recording in the next few weeks hopefully. Cheers to Taylor + Jason for asking us to be on the bill and putting on a great night. Good to see a healthy turn out in a small venue...good atmosphere! We'll be at the next gig with some more people in tow...if theres room for more that is?
  10. I like the varied bills also. I remember back in the day that Drakes used to have a lot of varried bills as did Lava. Its more interesting to have some diversity and I think it helps the bands stand out. After 3 hours of punk it can all become a bit bland...well to me anyway...and that applies to any other genre.
  11. Aye a grunge thread...I was wondering if anyone would mention us. We set out to sound Nirvana etc etc but it never really worked. You can hear the influences in the songs I am sure but its more wtw than anything else. Good to see someone wanting to do something with the grunge sound.
  12. STUCK MOJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! < I think that is the correct amount of exlamation marks to use when saying the holy words....STUCK MOJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...min...>
  13. "Get your tits out of my face I don't want to see that sort of shit around here" withinthesewalls "Whore" I am loving the lyrics from this song just now. Quite blunt and to the point.
  14. Even "simple" music such as Nirvana <I say this because Guitarist had a feature on their song structures> can be quite technical when you get down to it. The choosing of intervals and such like can appear to be genius when perhaps it was just luck...it gives you a heart felt song but theres also some technically great aspects...I guess this can apply to any well writen song though.
  15. I can't believe this got moved...gah! no one will see it now!
  16. No I recently made up a spec sheet for a PC made from components that was of uber quality and the total system price was just shy of 2000...using sites such as overclockers..dabs etc etc and nothing like Dell.
  17. What software does it come with and which programs does it work with? Cubase etc?
  18. ...and probably still costing around 2000 for a really good system...yeah...
  19. I just watched the 1hour50min E3 launch video for PS3 on gamespot.com and it looks stunning. A lot of specs seem to be superior to the Xbox360. The processor floating point is higher as are specs such as memory bandwidth. The nvidia graphics chip set is stunning. Apprently the most powerfull chip set around. Twice the power of one of their top end PC chip sets. Dual monitor out put as well!!! Certainly looks like the PS3 is edging ahead to me. Certainly all the next gen machines will be kicking the shit out of PCs for a little while....<mutters> stupid PC gamers all high and mighty...
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