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Everything posted by Tav

  1. WIDO!!! We had a guy in our year called Wido John lol!
  2. 17th of May and it is acctually snowing outside...I shit thee not!
  3. Yeah I read somewhere that the graphics chip set company from the first XBox fell out with microsoft and are now making the chips sets for PS3...
  4. That'd be weird...this gig is certainly shaping up to being something.
  5. Tav


    I think mouse will just be wanting to listen to his vinyl...
  6. Cheers mark...the CD I forgot haven't seen you in ages. What happened to lurking round the union huh!?!? I'll buzz you next time your on MSN about it.
  7. Sure they can. Imagine with all that extra power how much further they can push AI characters and physics engines. It is bound to have a profound effect on game play. As someone stated before it used to be 50 for mega drive games and I seem to recall some PS1 titles retailed at 49.99 when launched. If there is a substantial increase in quality then 60 may be an ok starting point. It's bound to drop. Also I've heard that the machines themselves wouldn't be overly pricey. This would tend to suggest that the increase in the price of games is designed to offset this. Just like buying a printer...you pay less than it is worth for some Ink Jets and then to make the money back, the companies charge more for the ink...
  8. I'd pay 60 for the graphics alone...some of the vids are just awesom! Like a million hot dogs.
  9. I just had a go at re EQing his original recording using Cakewalk and it turned out not too bad...certainly sounds alot more "fat" I would think that with a better mic/interface and a good audio program he'd be sorted...hmm programs...I can see that being another post.
  10. Youll find M Audio at www.m-audio.com Craig. I'll look up prices for Amplitude and Warp. Currently I use my Korg Pandora into my sound card and I think Rennie is using a dynamic mic straight in but isn't happy with the sound.
  11. It looks considerably better than 130 image.
  12. Cheers guys. I'll let him know/will be using the info myself.
  13. <Looks at monitor...> Nope seems to be producing an image worthy of 450
  14. The first photo of MMW is awesom. Wasn't at the gig but if the quality of the pictures are anything to go by it looked like a good night.
  15. THE bean cake! Beans are made from small balls of icing covered in some sort of strawberry sauce. It was so fricking tastey!
  16. Are they generally better for recording guitar?
  17. Hmm I might be getting a D.I my bass amp so we could play around with using that I guess. I'll prob. manage to piece together a little set up on the internet but if people have set ups that they know work then that'd be ideal. M Audio site is quite helpfull and some of their pre amps/interfaces look good for sub 100 price tags.
  18. Thanks for sharing...
  19. Friend of mine wants to record his guitar at home. He's got a PC with your average sound card and a Laney TF320 combo. Without spending too much money what would be some good ways of getting his guitar sound onto his PC? Obviously a mic would be needed. The Shure SM57 is a safe bet but is there any other alternatives people would suggest...at a cheaper price point? Also an interface/pre-amp would be required? I don't know much about these so any suggestions are welcome. Again looking for something good value. I saw a M-Audio Audio Buddy on gak.co.uk and that seemed like a start? I don't want to suggest anything that won't be of use to him so any help would be appriciated. Cheers.
  20. Cheers Jason...we look forawrd to seeing you too. We should have a couple of new songs to play. I'm really proud of them and I think they pretty kicking. Hopefully keep the pace up for this gig.
  21. I was wondering if anyone had any info on goods ways to record acoustic guitar? Probably looking a microphone with tube pre-amp set up that won't burst the bank. Basically my dads been coming up with a lot of material on acoustic guitar and we'd like to record it. I would probably be putting it onto my PC but I am unsure what is the best way to go. So any recomendations on mics/pre amps or alternative methods would be welcomed. Cheers!
  22. Or buy a Fender...it goes up to 12. Which brings me onto a point I'd like to make. Marshall DSL50 half stack + Fender Hot Rod + amp switcher...the starting point of a mighty rig.
  23. Will you be partoling the patrol Kev?
  24. My screen names goes a little something like this: Imagine 25th May 3 7.30pm withinthesewalls, we shall be blessed, stayover, at long last Engineering sucks
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