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Everything posted by paranoid

  1. Wash Bay would be your best bet then.
  2. Erm, detailing is a bit more involved than the valet he asked for, plus it is reet dear. Worth it if it is a car you really care about though.
  3. Ooh, the MXR pedals would be cool. I'll need to see how funds are come payday...
  4. An 80s Laney DP150. Total workhorse of an amp, and I can now play with bi-amping...
  5. The Wash Bay Ltd - Google Maps
  6. That in a blender, with your mixed cereal creation = super breakfast smoothie.
  7. I got a second head with a DI built in! Cheers for the advice though.
  8. A sludge band with such doom/stoner influences should be rather interesting. Can't really hear it in my head, you'll really need to post up some recordings once you have them, I'll be interested to hear it. Good luck getting the band together.
  9. That may explain this whole thread...
  10. Have you fallen and landed on your head at some point in your life?
  11. Fast Caz, Hate Event, The Sloth, ALBOLLOX, Fatboy, Bonner - not proper stalks, spoke to all of them. Teabags served me in the Moorings. Stalked Frosty Jack, Afro Droid and I'm quite sure I recognised Gladstone from his avatar. Stalk-tastic night out!
  12. I like the cut of your jib in this post, but alas I must spread it...
  13. I have a CD copy of our EP ready for you. Might pop into the Moorings the morn, I am at Toms in the evening so should be able to swing in past.
  14. You fucked up your first stalk good and proper I'm afraid...
  15. Forums must be a bit shit for you then. Save time, open Notepad and type things at yourself. No load times, bingo!
  16. paranoid


    How many Polish people does it take to cut down a tree? 96 and an aeroplane. What is the difference between my pencil case and Poland? My pencil case has a ruler.
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