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Everything posted by paranoid

  1. Cover it!! Dey-Lee and Night-Lee. Fuck yeah!
  2. I bet that we make you music came when he/she/it read that...
  3. Consider thine self repped!
  4. Ahh, but are they solid state cymbals?
  5. Our EP is on our MySpace page, even more stuff for you to dislike. It is free. Check it out.
  6. It's fine, I really couldn't give a fuck less if I tried.
  7. Cool story. We sound nothing like MMW...
  8. Careful, Bigsby will tell you your band is wank if you are honest about ShitterSpeed.
  9. Our Blunt Force Trauma EP is now available as a free download from our MySpace page. Check it out. Eternal Idol (2 new tracks up/looking for gigs...) on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads
  10. Nope, thankfully I'm far enough away that I don't have the pleasure of hearing their back garden recording sessions. Bloody hell, the house prices in this area are bad enough for people selling...
  11. Yeah, I'd much rather be back out in the country surrounded by horse shit than in Northfield where I swear there was a human shit on the pavement. I don't study dookie in enough detail to be sure, but it sure as fuck didn't look like your average pile of dog shit. And I live at the posh end of Northfield. *Shudder*
  12. I agree 100% with you, but don't tell 'er indoors!
  13. Yay, my BrewDog order is finally "Out for Delivery" on the parcel tracking thingy.
  14. How often do horses happen along a pavement though? I used to live in a village surrounded by farms and livery yards and the, and the shit was on the road.
  15. I asked the missus about this on Sunday when we were out with her horse. Apparently they are supposed to kick the shite into the side of the road if old dobbin pinches one off. I'm yet to see that happen though, thankfully.
  16. I have an Encore Precision I'd be willing to sell.
  17. Alas, I can't rep you, but by fuck I want to!
  18. Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16) Cool. So how did sludge evolve? How did we get from the ball-grabbing ear-piercing top of the vocal range metal vocals of the likes of Zeppelin et al to whatever the hell sludge is? And seriously, doesn't it hurt the singers throat? Oh, and Ben out of Weapon did do a similar shouty thing but I take it they're not sludge then? Basically it went from doom like sabbath and saint vitus, and it got heavier and more distorted. And no, MMW were definately not sludge.
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