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Everything posted by paranoid

  1. This site cracks me up. Everyone goes from one extreme to the other. o_O
  2. What kind of car have you got then?
  3. In Stonehaven, under the park bench my mate was sprawled over. Took a few minutes to work out where the hell I was, and I still don't know how I got there! o_O
  4. I'm worse than a smoker. I'm a smoker that has stopped and started again many times over.
  5. We could discuss this back and forth until we are blue in the face. I have neither the time nor the inclination to do so.
  6. No-one forces people to work in bars. No-one hides the fact pubs are smoke-filled environments from people who are seeking employment. I find people who complain about smoke in pubs tiresome. Smoke and pubs have gone hand in hand for years.
  7. Why though? Pubs have been full of smoke forever! If it really bothered them, why did they apply for the job? Should they ban needles in hospitals because some of the nurses are phobic? Should they dig up the grass on footbal pitches because they don't like the stains it leaves on their clothes?
  8. Slipknot. One Minute Silence at the Lemon Tree in 2003 I think it was. Fooking mental, so it was.
  9. I feel you want a more in-depth reply than "because they are shit".
  10. Twiztid's original cover for Mostastless Esham's Judgement Day Esham's KKKill the Feotus
  11. That is an urban legend. Ask snopes, he knows.
  12. The last line on the bio page made it quite plain. "Cold Granite is his first novel". Sorry if that pissed all over your pretentious reply.
  13. Could it be a coincidence that you didn't read my post o_O
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