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Everything posted by lindeh

  1. i would say mine is pretty emo actually
  2. ok, i guess i'll be the first to admit it... spice girls 'spice' (oh those were the days...) evanescence 'origin' killswitch engage 'alive or breathing' afi 'sing for sorrow' dido 'no angel'
  3. what year you in?? n yeah, i'm in first year art Dead_Fashion... by any chance, are you at Dundee Uni?? I remember we had multiple choice when i was there hehe!
  4. i've gotta hand in all my assessment stuff on monday... thought i had an extra week... oh dear... it's aaaaall good!
  5. *teehee* well that put a smile on my face!!
  6. i got a new tv, 3 dvd boxsets, goonies dvd (oh AYE!), smelly stuff, jacket, money and lots of other nice things! merry christmas!
  7. if you don't like it, just don't celebrate it... or am i just being silly??
  8. personally i find dundee really dull if you're poor... for me, it was a case of doing something once and being really boring second time round... hence why i moved home!
  9. i got my dad a 20ft crossword puzzle...
  10. usually i'll start making random 'lala la la la' noises to fill in the gaps... ok, so i may appear a bit strange but i don't know these people!
  11. aaaaye that would be the one! the party pack was immense!
  12. not that there's one up here, but da vinci pizzas (dundee) gets my vote EVERYTIME!
  13. lindeh


    well, i could have said 'cunt' but there really was no need... it's not exactly a nice thing to call someone just because they thought of something you didn't.
  14. can't say it was what i expected either... the scary thing is that hog's expression oddly goes well with the pose... i'm scared.
  15. can't believe i missed all the commotion! as for favourites to come back, danni and brett stark (the twins), mark gottlieb (religious guy who fell off the roof at no. 30), stonefish, rick alessi, todd landers, tad reeves, and doug n pam willis!
  16. lindeh


    nah i think what he meant was that if someone already had a previous version, they could use that to unzip the newer one type thing... no need for the 'c' word now...
  17. lindeh


    however, for those who don't already have any kind of version, this could pose a slight problem... maybe...
  18. *sighs* a'body loves buttons!
  19. i do indeed, but it's gotta be done! when i worked during the week, i had to get up at 6am for uni n didn't get home til 11.30pm, wasn't pretty heh! hence why i stopped, started to fall behind at uni...eek!
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