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Norway Killings.

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Could you point out the "slurs, untruths and just plain made-up shit" in that article, then? Because as far as I can see Melanie Phillips has as much to do with the Norway tragedy as JD Salinger had to do with Mark Chapman.

EDIT-sorry, I meant those articles that this chap supposedly referenced.

I'm not linking her to the atrocity at all, nor am I referring to that specific article they were going on about, and have been careful not to do so. But in the course of all the shit i've ever seen by her, most of it fell into one of those categories, her intemperate rhetoric of abuse contributes to the sum total of hate and intolerance in the world, to my mind. I'll sometimes quote or clip things by writers I respect or admire, the scumbag has done the same, it isn't causal, but there is a degree of consonance of mindset.

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30 pages into Anders Behring Breivik's manifesto and he's still talking about Political Correctness. Fun quotes:

*If they are public figures, they must grovel in the dirt in endless, canting apologies. If they are university students, they face star chamber courts and possible expulsion. If they are employees of private corporations, they may face loss of their jobs. What was their crime? Contradicting the new EUSSR ideology of Political Correctness.

*Political Correctness, shares with classical Marxism the vision of a classless society, i.e., a society not merely of equal opportunity, but equal condition. Since that vision contradicts human nature because people are different, they end up unequal, regardless of the starting point society will not accord with it unless forced.

*The contemporary Western European and American literary field is awash in isms: Marxism, Freudianism, feminism, and so on. Most of these are the academic cousins of what is called in the common culture Political Correctness. Literary theorists take their particular brand of criticism and apply it to literature in an effort to find self-affirmation in a discovered meaning of the text. For a feminist critic, for example, no longer does Andrew Marvels Upon Appleton House have the beauty of the grounds as its theme; it speaks instead of the evils of a patriarchal line of inheritance.

*...multiculturalism involves the systematic restructuring of the curriculum so as to hinder students from learning about the Western tradition.

*Students at Stanford, like students at all but one of the other top 50 universities in the United States, are not required to take a single course in history. Instead, they are offered a choice of courses under the heading of American Cultures. According to one recent graduate at Stanford, it is impossible to fulfill the American Cultures requirement by studying Protestantism, Irish Americans, or the American West, while courses that do fulfill the requirement include Film and Literature: US-Mexico Border Representations and Contemporary Ethnic Drama. Stanford students must also take courses in World Cultures and Gender Studies that include Chicana Expressive Culture and Misogyny and Feminism in the Renaissance.

*Were they able, our 1950s family would head back to the 1950s as fast as they could, with a gripping horror story to tell. Their story would be of a nation that had decayed and degenerated at a fantastic pace, moving in less than a half a century from the greatest countries on earth to Third World nations, overrun by crime, noise, drugs and dirt. The fall of Rome was graceful by comparison.

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*Requirements for reading Shakespeare, Milton, Chaucer, and other dead white males are disappearing, to be replaced by options to take studies in The Roles of Women in the Renaissance (an excuse to lament the sexism of the past) or The Bible as Literature (a course designed to denigrate the Bible as cleverly crafted fiction instead of Gods truth).

Okay guys and gals, I have to say that this is possibly one of the most entertaining reads I've enjoyed in a while. You can get a copy here:


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It seems to me that any intolerance being exhibited isn't coming from Melanie Phillips side, it's from anyone who drops the R-bomb whenever any vaguely right-of-centre comments are made. She's never written anything remotely racist, or anything that encouraged violence of this type. I can see no connection at all between the views and actions of Phillips and Breivik.


I'm with Dave on this. It's no different than if someone went on a rampage and murdered everybody at a mainstream TV station and then it emerged they were a fan of Charlie Brooker and someone claimed 'a degree of consonance of mindset' between the two.

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Fair dos, next time I read something egregious she writes, rather than going 'mad lunatic despoiler of light' at her, and then making the effort to forget all about it, I'll post it up here and rant about it.

Being a fan of a cultural artifact is not the equivalent of a personally held ideological belief, hence David Cameron likes the Smiths, etc

And she doesn't mind when the Israeli Defence Force uses excessive force, in fact she is pathologically* incapable of seeing any wrong in any act by Israel, despite the whole thing being a chronically tangled mess with fault at all doors.

*Just a little Mel-ism for po-mo trats, she has a nasty habit of seeing pathology in any attepts to counter her viewpoint, a little fake science in defence of rhetoric, or just in some leftie-bashing as in this, don't read it, it will poison you!

A wider pathology | Melanie Phillips

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Press and Journal - Article - BPs north-east HQ was on mass killers terror hit-list

This is like 'TORRY MAN DIES IN BOATING ACCIDENT' after the Titanic.

Them and the P&J after the bombing were legitimately checking if there were any flights back to Aberdeen from Oslo directly. They sent a reporter to the airport to intercept passengers coming from Stavanger.

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Them and the P&J after the bombing were legitimately checking if there were any flights back to Aberdeen from Oslo directly. They sent a reporter to the airport to intercept passengers coming from Stavanger.

Now you mention it, there were men in suits double-checking passports on the Aberdeen flight from Bergen on Friday. Didn't have a clue at the time.

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