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Everything posted by DanClews

  1. Ace-ic : Travel in modern times. Waking up in Tunisia at 7AM, and being back in Aberdeen by 5:45PM. Which included 3:30 hour flight, and a 3 hour drive. For wanting to go to Tunisia, I highly recommend Sentido Phenicia in Hammamet. Hammamet is a great town.
  2. I always thought that was stuff you put on your roof.
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-17582643 New Polar Bear and Amur Tiger for Highland Wildlife Park. Its a must, even just to see the red panda, this cheeky chappie :
  4. That's you're job innit? Ours took a dump on the floor, I think she was trying to get it in the litter box - but was standing up, and she was trying to get it in the corner of the box. I had to pick it up, it was freshly brewed. It was warm. I died a little inside.
  5. Mad Men is ace-ic. Made my wife want to take up smoking again. (non ace-ic)
  6. Which program are you talking about? We just finished series 4 of Mad Men, don't have Sky so we can't watch series 5 yet. Just started with Series 1 of Eureka.
  7. Finished the current run of Mad Men. Starting on Eureka now.
  8. For just two pounds a month, you too could support a starving Admin.

  9. Our wee one still has the cone of shame on, and she knows that when we take it off for her breakfast or dinner we will be putting it on as soon as she has finished so she can't lick the stitches. So she slows down eating, and then when we aren't looking pelts it and hides under the bed and has a right wee lick. We have to lift the bed up, as there is only a gap of about 6 inches for her to wriggle her way in.
  10. Slightly related, and cool story bro. I'm off to Tunisia in 4 days, staying all inclusive in Hammamet, with Thomas Cook. Guessing they are really pushing the cheap Tunisia holidays, probably need to encourage people to go again after that little uprising they had.
  11. Monies paid. Thought I better contribute, as a fair chunk of my day is spent on this site.
  12. PET HATE : HACKERS some spanish (or so their IP address claims to be) hacked into my gmail. Albeit it was my spam account. I think they were pretty crap, as their mass email bounced back from lots of email accounts, even most hotmail & gmail accounts. So I hope it was because they were useless. But it just means I have to enable 2-step verification on all my gmail accounts. Could have been worse I suppose.
  13. I used to grump about the trains when they weren't running, but I complain about everything on Facebook. But I'd like to think I balanced it out with witty comments. But in hindsight I think it was 95% complaining, 5% jokes.
  14. Wow, that kind of blew my mind. I knew Kings was old - but that really put it in perspective.
  15. Where Captain Tom's is. I always thought it was around where Drakes used to be.
  16. The cone of shame amplifies her purring too.
  17. They have both just had the chop. She has a daft collar round her neck to stop her from licking her stitches - but she keeps crashing into things. Its hilarious!
  18. DanClews


    Tonight - Finish work in 2 hours, and off to play Golf. After that chill out, look after the cats who have just been spayed & neutered. So I'm guessing they probably aren't going to be too happy. Saturday - PC gaming in the morning, shopping for holiday stuff in the afternoon Sunday - Getting ready for the next week at work, and preparing for a mates wedding. might practice Bass (but only if droid is checking out this thread!!)
  19. I don't think I can convince the wife to go out to Ellon for that. She is keen for all the aberdeen ones tho!
  20. DanClews


    The wrestling was ace. I would recommend anyone to go and see it. I think they will be back in June for an event.
  21. I think you might have been thinking of Mark Speight, of SMart
  22. DanClews


    Too soon? Wrestling tomorrow night, Aberdeen Anarchy. Wonder how thats going to compare to being at Wrestlemania X-Seven (on a side note, just wiki-ed that Wrestlemania - the matches were awesome Tables, Ladders and Chairs Dudley-boys vs Hardy Boys vs Edge & Christian. Also Shane-o-mac vs Vince Mac, Shane-o-mac did his turnbuckle kick onto a trashcan. /end WWF nerd-mode) Saturday, relax and the wife is out in the evening so getting some well needed gaming time Sunday, Parents 40th wedding anniversary.
  23. But didn't he have a place of his own in one of the later adverts, where he had all his mates round to look at his really fast broadband?
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