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Oedo 808

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Everything posted by Oedo 808

  1. That's a real shame. I'm a bit gutted about that.
  2. On Sky 1, Monday nights at 10 I think Jolly good fun
  3. The new thread button seems to work fine
  4. The future will be far more mundane and infinitely more fantastic than we can ever imagine it to be.
  5. Plenty of great album covers there
  6. At least you're trying to be melodic. You need to tighten up and sing a few more correct notes. I mean, being objective, what do you think?
  7. Oedo 808

    The X Files

    Series 2 on Sky Atlantic every weekday at the moment. Either early in the morning or around 4pm. Sky+ it.
  8. He's not bad. Don't like the lyrics much or the way he sings "I want this to be-ee the start of you and me" with the one syllable words broken into two syllables. Melodic voice and song at least. Could get good in the future if he's not totally demoralised by the experience.
  9. This is interesting: Equal pay and the fight for equality in the workplace - The F-Word
  10. There's still time to be a part of this wonderful show: Theatre review: Nothing to See Here - Scotsman.com Living
  11. That was the best bit? She sounds like a truly shit girlfriend.
  12. I don't have a problem with Yoga. It's just stretching exercises which contribute to a good fitness regime along with weights and cardio. A lot of Yoga stretches are found in other disciplines without all the "spirituality" mumbo-jumbo. As for browsers, I've been using Chrome since 2009 and I'm tentatively taking my first steps back to Firefox. Chrome was way ahead of the curve when it first came out but I have a few issues with it now including its implementation my pet hate flash and its seperate instances for each application in task manager. It just doesn't work very effectively despite their attempts to keep tab crashes manageable through a task manager like system within the browser. It fucks up way more often than it works. As a general rule I try out the browser with the latest major update and see how it compares to what I'm using.
  13. I don't see why the X-Certs would want to be involved in a night like this but... If you did pull it off I'd come and watch
  14. So... the theatre. Any good stories?
  15. Again, there is a booking fee but you will be refunded that at the venue making the show FREE
  16. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/gigs-event-announcements/64425-nothing-see-here-extreme-route.html There's still a few nights we could do with some more extras - you can give one of the following people a shout: rachel.godding[at]gmail.com phil.mccormack[at]nationaltheatrescotland.co.uk
  17. Erm... any 80s action movie. As a fun joke try to view any Rocky montage scene as male objectification. Rocky IV would be a good one. Here we go: You could also write a nice neat piece about how as the men reduce themselves to nothing more than sheer exhausted muscle the women look on in approval. (If you were that way inclined)
  18. That's more of a young girl thing though, is it not? I think I held pretty much the same opinion as you once but then I realised that becoming irritated is just as bad as being titillated. Either way you're giving them what they want; attention for something that's totally inconsequential. ...or you could just suggest that they get a room - and if they don't have one you will happily provide it for them. Boom boom. I think I'll save that one for later.
  19. I agree with you there. It strikes me that 30 years on the 'regeneration' has either worked or it hasn't (and if not why not?) but you can't still be claiming special circumstances because three decades ago they closed a hole in the ground near where you live. To be fair the paucity is largely on the Labour benches who have become the most entrenched, uninspiring and dogmatic party in Scotland. As for the Devolution settlement, it might not be perfect but I'd rather have it than be without it. Holyrood has provided a much-needed buffer between us and Westminster policy.
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