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Oedo 808

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Everything posted by Oedo 808

  1. The Press Association: Gray pledges cash for mining areas Former mining areas are still singled out to receive special subsidies?
  2. Heres what you do. You take your time slot, you turn up and then get ready for the ride of your life. Your high-octane, action-packed journey rockets you through the Linksfield Community Centre as its doors burst open one final time. Nothing to See Here is a theatrical rollercoaster ride and theatre like you've never experienced it before. You will be part of a maze of adventures packed with pulse - racing interactive situations, strange characters and risky challenges. Be prepared, keep your wits about you and expect the unexpected. Survival in this extreme environment depends on you. Thats all were telling you for now. The rest will be up to you. Nothing to See Here offers two experiences to choose from: Extreme Route: The complete interactive experience. Not for the faint-hearted. Ambient Room: Head straight to the Ambient Room for a more relaxed atmosphere. The Extreme Route also ends here. The Ambient Room is a fully accessible sensory experience packed with live music, film and interactive art. With an Extreme ceilidh and a licensed bar each night, the Ambient Room provides the perfect mix a space to chill out and enjoy the entertainment or a place to put all your senses to the Extreme test. Nothing to See Here is created by the National Theatre of Scotland in co-production with Aberdeen City Councils Arts Education Team and involves a cast of over 250 performers from Aberdeen schools and colleges and from the community. Nothing to See Here is the finale of Extreme a major Aberdeen arts project combining sports, theatre, dance, music and art in a series of city-wide events and workshops. Nothing to See Here Fri 11 March 2011 - Wed 23 March 2011 BOX OFFICE : What's On Ticket Information: Previews: 11 & 12 March 2011 Performances: 14 - 23 March 2011 There are no Sunday performances. Times: Entry to the Extreme Route in regular time intervals starting from 12.302pm (afternoons) and 67.30pm (evenings). The Ambient Room is open from 12.303pm (afternoons) and 69.45pm (evenings). Price: The Extreme Route is free but a 3 deposit is required in advance to secure your time slot. The deposit is redeemable immediately following the performance. The Ambient Room is also available and advance booking is required. Tel: 01224 641122 See more on STV News: Aberdeen & North | STV news You'll need to skip to 20m45s
  3. Earlier I posted a comment about me sleeping with a lesbian but I thought that people might misunderstand what I was saying. (And so I deleted it) I don't want there to be this issue of me undermining individual sexuality. I certainly don't want to undermine lesbians. The point is that sex is complex and cannot be easily pigeon-holed. And yes, my girl was adamantly lesbian, not bisexual. I used to enjoy the sex with her but it was a lot different. I hope people understand this and don't think I'm undermining lesbianism. I come back to this idea that when you try to fit people into a pre-conceived mould of how they should behave you end up in trouble. A lesbian can wish for cock and still remain a lesbian. Sexuality is perceptual and not simply action based.
  4. But there's prejudice from homosexuals towards bisexuals as well, especially this idea that bisexuals are simply people who haven't come to terms with being homosexual.
  5. You're not vegan? You let me down at the last minute there.
  6. What I'm saying is that women outnumbering men in what was previously a male dominated profession seems to be an unusual example of an inequality for women. Not enough women in Parliament. Too many women in Teaching. Well maybe, but are we suggesting that the workplace should be made to taste like a bowl of Goldilocks' porridge? Who decides what the right amount is? Is it simply 50/50 for every profession? That makes sense. So to balance the pay gap we could legally force men who make any woman pregnant to take an equal amount of leave from work to look after the child. I'm sure you could make an argument for that based on sexual responsibility, child welfare and equality. Whether that is desirable or necessary is debatable but it evens up the % figures if that's the most important thing. They most definitely are. There's a large amount of scientific research to back this up, but that's not to say that learned behaviour plays no part. A few fun facts from New Scientist this week: Girls with elevated testosterone prefer boys toys (can't be societal) Female rats with induced male brain development play as male rats (how do they know?) Male vervet monkeys prefer playing with boys toys like cars and trucks (boys will be boys) Men are typically taller than women... but height is a better indicator of behaviour than sex Has anyone done any research on the pay gap between tall and short people? More on brain development: 10 Big Differences Between Mens and Womens Brains | Masters of Healthcare To put the above article in perspective it's worth noting that men perform only very marginally better in maths than women and that the differences between men and women's understanding of mathematical concepts is non-existent.
  7. I'm only guessing but that would probably be down to a supply and demand issue.
  8. Not to be too complacent but that is a good while ago. There was a very large council dispute over pay quite recently but I don't think the men and women were doing the same jobs.
  9. That's interesting. Why not join this facebook group? Scottish Coalition Against Sexual Exploitation | Facebook
  10. I didn't read it, but I enjoyed the colours
  11. Objectification deals with focusing on a part of a person's body rather than the whole person, therefore 'objectifying' them. In other words they are no longer a real person just the piece of flesh on show. In a lot of cases I believe it's mistakenly identified or out of any real context and it proves nothing. Look up a documentary by Sut Jhally on youtube called "Dreamworlds". Now try to imagine thinking like that. EDIT: I found it for you: YouTube - dream worlds part 1
  12. But that argument is basically a "yes" to my previous question. Also, I think it's a little bit sad that anyone would even put that argument on the table, it suggests an attitude towards men that I would never perpetuate towards women. It smacks of paranoia and misandry as far as I'm concerned.
  13. Well when you find the excuses a company can use to pay women less for doing the same job and hours then let me know what they are. I think the reason it's an issue is because of a flawed logic that if the average pay for all women and the average pay for all men isn't exactly the same then sexism must be the root cause when there are other explanations for the disparity. For instance, men tend to work longer hours. (Never taken into account) That men tend to do more dangerous jobs and therefore receive hazard pay. (92% of all work related deaths are men) That women are more likely to take a break from their career to have children which also effects the types of career they might choose. That's 3 right off the top of my head.
  14. Years ago the workforce were predominantly men. So gender stereotyping is more prevalent than it was in the days when more men were teaching primary school kids?
  15. I realise this is a social question and probably not within the remit of your essay but do men really care about objectification other than as a counter-argument to feminist dogma?
  16. There comes a point where my ability to understand this concept dissolves. I can't wrap my head round it, this idea that someone was actually stereotyped into pursuing a career instead of doing something they were actually interested in or good at. That's what I believe to be true because it makes economic sense. If women were paid less simply because they were women, hiring only women would be the simplest way to undercut your competitors and gain a competitive advantage. Businesses care about profits. Are we to also assume that they care more about being sexist than they do about making money? Why hire men? Two women do the same job but earn different amounts of money. What force is at work here? Why do young black female graduates on average earn more than young white female graduates? What conclusion should we reach? I support this idea but it will always be in conflict with the greater need society has to encourage and enforce the 'correct' evolutionary behaviours. You might want to pick up a copy of New Scientist this week. There's an article called "Men vs. Women: Science Delivers The Ultimate Verdict". There's one or two interesting bits in it.
  17. What are you studying at University?
  18. It's the received wisdom and values of the moronic classes put into practice, acted out by our nation's finest attention seekers, wannabes and fame whores in an attempt to advance their career or boost their ego by getting their greasy orange face on television. 1. If a woman came down the elevator and danced for the approval of 15 men it would be objectification and not 'all in good fun'. They'd have to change the name of the show to 'strip club live'. 2. Regardless of her 'talent' or 'personality' or whatever she'd get accepted or rejected 95% of the time on her looks alone. 3. Woman are not expected to humiliate themselves to get a date (See received wisdom) 4. The twist at the end of the man selecting between the remaining women (if reversed) would just be the same as any Saturday night in town. 5. Erm.... what was the question again? Anyway, the whole point of Take Me Out is to make you the viewer feel incredibly smug and say, "At least I'm not that guy dancing like a tit on TV". Indeed. Still, let's all apply for next season huh?
  19. Maybe it's not the best option but when someone new comes here can we try to cut out the 'in' jokes just a bit? For now Eilidh, check these guys out: 11:11 - Memoirs: Part One - 27/10/2010 Autumn In Disguise | Facebook
  20. You're shitting me Blade Runner Sequel And Prequel Close To Production RWD: Grime, Hip Hop, Dubstep, Funky, Pop, R&B, House, News, Interviews, Videos, Audio and Fashion
  21. In a lot of ways it's very good. There's a big sound coming from it even on my laptop speakers and a decent hook there. I do think 1:20 is a little long to get it started. Each to their own though.
  22. You could also outline your entire business plan to us all so I and other helpful board members can check it over for you.
  23. The Daily Record. A complete fucking rag.
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