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Monster Zero

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Everything posted by Monster Zero

  1. Subsea engineer, been back working as a Contractor since 2010. Core hours depend on the client, some companies like 9 hour days for the day rate while others stick to 8, in my last position I said I wouldn't be interested in doing a 9 hour day so they put me on an hourly rate rather than day rate and I got to do 8. Negotiation of terms ftw. Start time is dependent on commuting method, if on the train I start about 07:30 and finish between 4 and 5 dependent on how busy I am, how long I took for lunch and to suit trains. If I'm driving I start about 7 and finish about 4.
  2. Um sorry Tam my PMs should be clear for receiving now... David, you read my mind, was going to ask if I could come round sometime to get a demo...
  3. It would be fucking amazing if Sandwich Gate couple started up their own sandwich van business. The remaining nightclub in Stonehaven is beside Troupers pub and is called Zee's after the Indian lad who runs it these days. Haven't been for quite a while but I was definitely in the more senior clientele category last time I was dragged in, lots of youngsters. It's largely shit as per most small town nightclubs that I have visited in years past. Let's face it, you aren't heading to them for the music, it's extended drinking that attracts, I just tend to zone out the music and rarely note what is playing unless some random great song pops up. A few pubs in Stoney are open till 1, that is usually sufficient for me these days.
  4. How can I get negative rep for my preference you cad? Maybe I've been unlucky on my visits but just hasn't done it for me. Agreed on Sandy's it was pish since Sandy sold it on - I can't comemnt on past few years performance since I swore never again a LONG time ago and The Carron does the biz for me....
  5. I'm afraid I shall have to deny you your stalk!
  6. Tam could you confirm my query? I may be interested but need to know if I require to purchase software as well...
  7. Good on them for winning but I haven't had a decent meal from there, The Carron is far superior IMHO.
  8. The Walkmen. Was probably not alone in discovering them via ace-ic song 'The Rat', bought the 'Bows and Arrows' album, backtracked to the debut and have got around to buying all their other albums at some point, although in some instances it had passed me by that they had released a new one...just got round to picking up 'Heaven' and subsequently bunged their back catalogue on my Shuffle for the commute, great band...
  9. Does it come with the necessary software to use with your computer or does that need to be bought separate?
  10. Sadly I think you are right, we are heading for a possible world where everything is sold digitally - music, books, films. No manufacturing costs, no need to deliver physical items. Glad I've got lots of films and music at home, will just live in the past I guess.
  11. CD's that refuse to load onto iTunes, seems to be happening more and more with the stuff I'm buying just now.
  12. The Campaign Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis play 2 candidates vying for a smalltown Congressman position, Ferrell the seasoned veteran encumbent and Galifianakis a naive newcomer to politics put up to it by 2 shady businessmen. As the vote approaches the tactics get increasingly dirty and personal. Pretty funny for the most part. 8/10 Dredd Karl Urban plays 2000AD legend Judge Dredd. Helmet remains on. Good thing. Dredd and rookie judge Anderson become locked down in a tower block by the gang who control it and the head gangster, Ma-Ma, offers reward to whoever kills them. Loads of violence ensues. Very similar in basic storyline to The Raid but I didn't find this detracted from this at all. It's fucking awesome. 10/10
  13. I like lager to be as cold as possible. Becks was always my tipple of choice as I never liked pints in my youth but one time on a crap holiday in Spain I couldn't get it so I was drinking Budweiser all holiday which was awesome since it was icey cold everywhere due to aceic fridges. When I got back home and tried drinking it it was back to the usual where it has a horrible thick foam in the neck like an elephant has jizzed in it. Fridge just restocked Budweiser must be the worst. Budvar however is awesome. Although it goes right to my head.... I can't be arsed with beer snobbery, everyone is free to like what they like. I like the odd real ale but couldn't drink it all night, for me it's more of a single drink in evening thing, unless I go to a beer festival then I just nuckle down. And usually feel a tad queasy after several.
  14. I didn't actually intend to be saying Becks was stronger than 5am Saint, I just stated that I preferred to use a stronger tasting bog standard beer. The fact Gypsum mentioned 5am Saint has confused matters.
  15. I've experimented with a few that have been knocking about the house - Budweiser, Corona, I think I even tried Tennents at one point (definite LOL) - Becks is my personal favourite for the purpose. Then again I actually like Becks in any case...
  16. Oh what? Personally I wouldn't use any better quality real ale type beers as the taste is too strong but at the same time out of the more bog standard beers there aren't many with a slightly stronger taste so I prefer Becks. This ain't a beer thread...
  17. Went and tried my hand in the UKIPT in Edinburgh, made it to the money in Day 2, 63rd out of 615 entries, would have been nice to get further but happy enough for first attempt....
  18. I've tended to use something a bit stronger in taste like Becks.
  19. A train in was my probable choice, wondered if your lovely wife may have been driving and whether i could have cadged a lift home...
  20. The initial melody picked out is a good choice and I like the idea of the layering on top of that melody but if it is to remain in the background I think you need to work on the timings of the overlaid sounds as it currently sounds a bit out of synch and detracts from the end result. If I recall the original tune correctly it may have been better to segue out of that constant melody and introduce intermittent snatches of other guitar parts. Your electronic stuff is definitely evolving though Out of interest what are your plans for Saturday evening travel wise?
  21. If the Scottish leagues stayed the same as they are currently and Rangers were assumed to win their league on a yearly basis back to the SPL then that would take another 2 seasons. If they start in the lowest of the 3 prospective leagues and you assume they win each year then that also takes 2 years does it not? So they aren't being knocked back the way really, they are just remaining in the bottom league as it would be. The assertions that they will just be remaining in the same league with all the same teams is just baws. So really they are huffing because the proposed new league structure does not facilitate a more speedy return for them to the SPL, which, let's face it, a few months back, everyone was in anticipation of but hopefully this indicates that everyone now has some confidence that the SPL will not implode as per the RFC predictions....
  22. "Have you been indulging in gang bangs again????"
  23. He's not dead, he has been waiting for the world to catch up...
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