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Monster Zero

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Everything posted by Monster Zero

  1. Music From The Film Code 46 ~ Free Association Retrospective ~ Red House Painters Citrus ~ Asobi Seksu 0 ~ Transmission 0 Bred For Skills and Magic ~ Copy Haho
  2. The 'Save the Planet' types in yellow vests who leap into your path waving a clipboard in your face outside HMV. Sometimes I feel like giving a light flick to their testicular region. Unless it's a girl. Sometimes it's hard to tell with them.
  3. I'm not even going to listen to this because i'm 100% certain i'll hate it. Didn't like the Ash version and although some of the early Eurythmics stuff was OK i've been no fan of Annie's solo stuff.
  4. After a Bond binge ('Casino Royale', 'Live and Let Die' and 'Moonraker'), having a break with 'If Chins Could Kill:Confessions of a B Movie Actor' by Bruce Campbell.
  5. She also kind of reminds me of Pearl the Record Keeper in the first Blade film. I'm getting fed up of this now.
  6. True, but Ian Brown does OK for himself despite his chaotic vocal abilities, Mani has been with Primal Scream now longer than he was in the Roses I would think, to me that reformation would be a case of trying to come back and show the young whippersnappers how it's done by one of the original 'lad's together' bands and I think it would fail miserably now that 20 years have passed since their debut album - coming back to play a show that could well fall into the shite part of their spectrum would be a massive anti-climax. Seen the Blackpool live vid? That was supposedly one of their high points and my God it's awful....
  7. What's the usual timescale between ordering and posting?
  8. Faith No More were great but Album of the Year was extremely patchy. With all else Mike Patton has going on this seems bizarre and I really wish they would reconsider as a bad idea. The Stone Roses reforming would be dreadful as well. As would The Smiths. Too much time has passed in both instances.
  9. Have they re-introduced the 'No Ginger Patrons in This Area' signs on the buses again???
  10. Crime and the City Solution ~ Room of Lights Seasick Steve and the Level Devils ~ Cheap David Holmes ~ The Holy Pictures Dick Dale and His Del-Tones ~ Best of...
  11. It's probably Elton's own wedding dress from the other year, they are about the same shape.
  12. And the drift manouvere is quite often attributable to fucking about with a mobile phone. If walking and dealing with a mobile is one too many tasks for your brain to cope with, do one or the other fuckstick.
  13. People who can't walk in a straight line. Walking up Union Street means negotiating an obstacle course of folk who drift diagonally across the pavement. Do they all have one leg shorter than the other or something.
  14. I quite enjoyed RocknRolla last night. Tonight we watched Vantage Point, not too shabby, got slightly daft towards the end but the storyline kept you guessing for a good while.
  15. Well personally I was talking about the line up of ne-er do wells that had their pics in the Scum today claiming responsibility for the poor wee chav to be that has been saddled with a hall of mirrors reflection for a mother. I'm not actually sure what your point was or why you quoted me. I'm just amused at the chavs in general. Dear me, 'morally outraged' from Pudding-on-the-Wold is going to be all upset at my lack of compassion for puppy eye boy. Worst thing is that his pocket money is unlikely to cover the CSA bill.
  16. I see they are hastily arranging a wedding before she shuffles of this mortal coil. Hope she gets the will sorted out properly so Jack doesn't get all the cash and leave the 2 sprogs by another bloke hard up.
  17. Army of Darkness. Tonight I am watching RocknRolla.
  18. First time i've heard of it but after some investigation drums are here if you want them....
  19. I can't believe more than one person is publicly stating they could have conceived a child with what can most kindly be referred to as a ginger boot. She looks like a cartoon fish. Although that statement may be be construed as Nemo abuse. What is with the chav fraternity and their general lack of awareness of their likelihood of public ridicule? Despite their 'fashion sense' being widely derided, they are still strutting down Union Street with the Burberry baseball cap perched at that strange angle on the very back of the head so the peak points to the sky like a handy ornithology aid while obviously the best option would be pulled down as far as possible to spare us the ordeal of looking at their gormless, slack jawed visage. This is matched by that peculiar straggly fringe look where the strands of hair are gelled to the state where diamonds are no longer the hardest substance known to man. Finally there is the grubby white tracksuit bottoms tucked into the socks - i've never seen one of the cunts on a bike. I assume it must be an aid to impromptu shoplifting.
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